As with us, we are right where God needs us to be to reveal his glory. We never need to know why, we just need to know, and “Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I have made the land a desolate waste because of all the detestable things they have done’ (Ezekiel 33...
The Apostle Peter again uses this mysterious term, first used by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:2: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also ...
of love, peace, freedom, and divine intervention with a gospel-influenced refrain. "Open up your heart, let your body find/Freedom in your stride, love and peace of mind, yeah/One more time and we got to say/That the Good Lord gonna make a way/Gonna make a way, gonna make a way...
In Mark’s gospel, this is the last miracle performed by Jesus before he goes to his death in Jerusalem. It marks the fatal turning point between his ministry and his Passion. It is our Lord’s last act, his last word, before he begins the Way of the Cross. To the world, that loo...
With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, I will sing, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing of the merices of the Lord. ...
She states clearly what she needs and asks the local lord for land. First he refused but she is not deterred by this. She pursues her request in a different way by asking “Give me what land my mantle will cover.” He says yes! When she placed the mantle on the ground it grew ...
the lord will make a way somehow when beneath the cross you bow he will take away each sorrow let him have your burden now and when your load bows down so heavy the weight it shows upon your brow for there's a sweet relief in knowing the lord will make a way somehow when i do my...
[or, following the LXX, the Greek OT known by the first Christians: Yet the Lord wanted to cleanse him of his wound] And though you [plural, indicating the readers] make his life a guilt offering, He will see his offspring and prolong his days, And the will of the Lord will pros...
Note Thomas’ response –‘My Lord, My God . . .’ You are the wounded God . . . in the eyes of the world you are the failure God . . . You are the God with whom I can identify . . . you are the God who will not hold my failure over my head – you are the God who ...
Tina Turner's loudest albums still have melody and something "people will walk away humming" — the very thing Cropper lovedabout Staxrecords. "We were selling groove and all, rather than the music," Cropper says of his work with theMGs."We don't care about the mu...