The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church 《The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church》是一本图书,作者是Chase, Frederic Henry
The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church 《The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church》是一本图书,作者是Hammerling, Roy 内容简介 This volume is the often-surprising story of how early Christians used and interpreted the Lord's Prayer (LP) in public worship and private devotions.
And it is in response to this confession that Jesus is described as announcing the foundation of the Christian church: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” apostle; ChristianityThe Twelve Apostles, fresco by ...
the church move and church building project. Previously, I had built my home through a bank loan. I am asking you to pray that I can sell my home as soon as possible with the maximum price so that I will be able to offer the Lord with a specific amount for the new church building...
And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall notprevailagainst it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth sh...
“I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Romans 16:19-20 The Holy Spirit is breaking through fears and doubts as we meditate on His Word and truly ...
He is our sovereign Lord(v. 5) over all things, even our blunders and regrets. No matter my poor choices, God can redeem them. “Our mistakes can never thwart the sovereign will of God”[2]. How thankful I am forthat! He is the One who’s been my hope and confidence since my ...
A friend of hers had shown her his review of Browning's poems.That was how she had found out the secret:but she liked the review immensely.Then she said suddenly: “O, Mr. Conroy, will you come for an excursion to the Aran Isles this summer?We're going to stay there a whole ...
Lord , please enable everyone(and will) i have intro to Frank/partners, to active engage and take advantage of the various opportunities hence forth Amen YAHshua Posted by: Justin Report I had to do something n had no time 4 sleep. I please need again the help of the lord that it does...