这是我读过的最有力量的一首英文诗歌《指环王》(The Lord of the Rings)作者J.R.R.托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)的这首诗告诉我们,真正的价值和力量往往隐藏在表象之下,不能仅凭外貌判断一个人的命运与潜力。诗中 - Tony妈妈英语频道于20240824发布在抖音,已经收获了35.6
第一部读后感 『 “我愿意带走魔戒,”他说,“尽管我不知道路在何方。”』 字里行间流淌着充沛的信念感,最不起眼的勇气是那慑人的恐惧所凝结出的果实。弗罗多在逃避的低语之下选择了前进,决心是潜意识为他递上的锋刃。 在阅读小说原著之前,我曾看过几遍影视改编版本,直到阅读这本书之前... (展开) 0回应...
comment on The Lord of the Rings 这部电影是一个魔幻经典,可以说,这片子是我看的最多次数的电影了。看完后总有一种震撼,魔戒的诱惑无人能挡。观影时因为曲折的情节和被发挥的淋漓尽致的特效,所以这部电影使得观众仿佛身临其境。看完了许多影片后,我发先许多的魔幻电影都是讲诱惑的,像《纳尼亚传奇》也是说...
铭记一生的经典——《The Lord of the Rings》 循环着《The Lord of the Rings》一如电影本身般空灵,梦幻。温热的感动还漫布在脸庞,迫不及待想留下此刻久违的感动。带给我远离现实的美好梦境,身临其境天堂般的国度 ——《魔戒》。和平,荣耀,友谊,爱情,一切与伟大有关的词汇构成了这部气势恢宏,规模磅礴的史诗...
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, The Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, ...
The "Lord of the Rings": The Making of the Trilogy (平装) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The official inside story on the making of the award-winning movie trilogy, The Lord of the Rings: The Making of the Movie Trilogy is a lavishly illustrated, definitive, behind-the-scenes ...
《指环王》The lord of the ringsGriffin B. Literature has also had a profound impact on expressing ethical behavior, as demonstrated in J.R.R Tolkien's fantasy novel The lord of the rings. In the novel, Frodo inherits a ring of great power from his uncle Bilbo and must embark on a peri...
终于读完了J.R..R.TOLKIEN的《The Lord of The Rings》三部曲,包括《The Fellowship of The Ring》(护戒使者),《The Two Towers》(双塔奇兵)和《The Return of The King》(王者再临)。每看完一部小说,马上看对应的彼得•杰克逊导演的电影,对照两者,发现了电... (展开) ...
In The Lord Of The Rings, a wicked wizard called Sauron, who has great magical powers, has created nine rings. Any creature who possesses one of these rings has great power. But Sauron has created one ring-the Ring-that can control all of these rings. The person who has this ring cont...