链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FK4K7IOWoxTqOsWcZugPPw 提取码:n8qu 书名:Lord of the Flies 作者:William Golding 豆瓣评分:8.5 出版社:Penguin Classics 出版年份:2006 页数:313 内容简介:In this now-classic tale--a terrifying variation on the traditional boys' adventure story-...
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Lord of the Flies 蝇王.pdf,-- William Golding William Golding (1911-1993) Full name: Sir William Gerald Golding Occupation: novelist, poet, playwright Genres: Survivalist fiction, Robinsonade, adventure, sea story, science fiction, essay, historical fi
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Lord of the Flies 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 William Golding was born in Cornwall in 1911 and was educated at Marlborough Grammar School and at Brasenose College, Oxford. Before he became a schoolmaster he was an actor, a lecturer, a small-boat sailor and a musician. A now rare...
《蝇王》(Lord_of_the_Flies)_高频词_按频率_带英文解释排版 热度: LLLLoooorrrrddddOOOOffffTTTThhhheeeeFFFFlllliiiieeeessss ByByByBy WilliamGoldingWilliamGoldingWilliamGoldingWilliamGolding 2 CHAPTERONE TheSoundoftheShell Theboywithfairhairloweredhimselfdownthelastfewfeetofrockandbegantopickhisway ...
Lord of the Flies[蝇王] 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 内容简介 Lord of the Flies remains as provocative today as when it was first published in 1954, igniting passionate debate with its startling, brutal portrait of human nature. Though critically acclaimed, it was...
Lord of the Flies 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding,1911~1994)英国小说家。生于英格兰康沃尔郡一个知识分子家庭,自小爱好文学。1930年遵父命入牛津大学学习自然科学,两年后转攻文学。1934年发表了处女作——一本包括29首小诗的诗集(麦克米伦当代诗丛之一)。1935年毕业于牛津大...