lord of the flies,中文译作《蝇王》,是英国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者威廉·戈尔丁的代表作,是一本重要的哲理小说,借小孩的天真来探讨人性的恶这一严肃主题。故事发生于想象中的第三次世界大战,一群六岁至十二岁的儿童在撤退途中因飞机失事被困在一座荒岛上,起先尚能和睦相处,后来由于恶的本性的膨胀起来,便...
The Lord of Flies,中文名是蝇王。简介:《蝇王》“蝇王”即苍蝇之王,源于希伯莱语Baalzebub,在《圣经》中“Baal”被当作“万恶之首”,在英语中,“蝇王”是污秽物之王,也是丑恶灵魂的同义词。1954年,威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding)爵士以“蝇王”为主题写作出版了一部小说,名字就叫《蝇王》。这是一部...
海洋象征着无意识,埋藏在所有人类深处的思想和欲望。 【参考资料】William Golding(威廉·戈尔丁)《Lord of the Flies》《蝇王》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
The Lord of the Flies is written by William Golding, who was a British novelist, poet and playwright. He was awarded for the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983 for this novel. When William Golding was 29-year-old, he joined the royal navy. During World War II, Golding fought in the ...
The Lord of Flies,在基督教传说中它是苍蝇之王Beelzebub,在某个著名游戏中它是大魔头Baal,在这部小说中它是一个叮满苍蝇的猪头。 “恶之出于人,犹如蜜之出于蜂!”Golding码了一生的英文单词,最后冷冷丢下这句话,不留一点余地;世人却早已见怪不怪。恶的故事,每天都已... (展开) ...
Lord of the Flies is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island who try to govern themselves, with disastrous results. Its stances on the already-controversial subjects of human n...
Epstein, and selected highlights from five decades of critical analysis. 作者简介:William Golding was born in Cornwall in 1911 and was educated at Marlborough Grammar School and at Brasenose College, Oxford. His first novel, Lord of the Flies, was published in 1954 and was filmed by Peter ...
Lord of the Flies[蝇王] 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 内容简介 Lord of the Flies remains as provocative today as when it was first published in 1954, igniting passionate debate with its startling, brutal portrait of human nature. Though critically acclaimed, it was...
Lord of the Flies 蝇王 英文原版 暂无报价 2500+评论 98%好评 编辑推荐: 《蝇王》描述在一场未来的核战争中,一架飞机带着一群孩子从本土飞到南方疏散。飞机被击落,孩子们乘坐的机舱落到一座世外桃源般的、荒无人烟的珊瑚岛上。起初孩子们齐心协力,后来由于害怕所谓的“野兽”分裂成两派,以崇尚本能的专制...