她被称为西塔(Theta),根据古老的协议,她来自邱利萨斯神庙(temple of the Culexus)。她是没有灵魂的,被贱民基因诅咒成为灵魂海洋中的一个空白的缺失。她的神庙的精巧的吸收了这种品质,并将她塑造成一个以肉体行走的绝望和遗忘的漩涡。她是深渊之声,尽管她很少说话,她所说的意味着死亡或生存。 克拉都斯一瘸一拐...
This Save is at the hub near the beginning of the game, blacksmith is unlocked. 531KB 58 1.7k Simple Realistic 3D for LoTF 2023 Visuals Uploaded: 20 Oct 2023 Last Update: 20 Oct 2023 Author: Chris Rubino Uploader: crubino A simple custom shader for Lords of The Fallen 2023. Bett...
这艘船翻滚着落下,散落着碎片。四艘黑暗天使飞行器就在它的阴影里。当燃烧的金属碎片撞击它们的翅膀时,它们的机身发出响声。拖船撞上了虚空盾穹顶。隆隆的轰鸣声撼动着夜空。闪电噼啪作响。一层又一层的护盾像破裂的肥皂泡一样崩塌。残骸向皇宫坠去。当虚空护盾再次点燃并坍塌时,雷声轰鸣。 “全体注意,剑尖队形,...
32 Lord of the Fallen 1:10 33 Crimson Pact 3:17 34 The Honored Dead 3:25 35 Creeping Bloodlust 2:05 36 Echoes of Entropy 1:54 展开阅读 制作人员名单 艺术家: Various Artists 作曲: Cris Velasco, Knut Avenstroup Haugen 标签: Laced Records 其他制作人员: The Budapest Scoring ...
堕落之王(Lord of The Fallen) 描述:获得所有成就 揭开面纱(A Veil Lifted) 描述:第一次在艾克西姆死亡 捉迷藏(Lost and Found) 描述:在死亡后恢复能量 武器收集者(Weapon Collector) 描述:收集所有的武器 铁甲衣(Ironclad) 描述:收集所有的护甲 里面的景色(What Sights Contained Within) ...
Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power –the means by whichhe intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring – the ring that rules them all – which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit,Bilbo Baggins. ...
Destined to become a renowned pastry chef, a young lad is unexpectedly reborn into the humble lineage of an impoverished lord. Bearing the name Pastry, he is destined to inherit the impoverished territory. Thus begins the trials and tribulations of Pastry’s journey, where he aspires to bring...
【Manage and become a lord of slumber cities!】 ・ As a lord of a city, you must manage internal affairs, build up your citadel, develop farms and trade, and forge a slumber city! Decorate your cities with tons of building decor! Research techs and lay down codices! Your leadership ...