THE LORD IS RISEN , INDEEDThe, A TTabernacle, Metropolitan
“““Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.” Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.” Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.” Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.” Alleluia. Christ ...
Gandalf and Pippin go to confront Lord Denethor, seated on the Steward’s chair, at the end of the great hall, where they discover that Denethor has nearly been driven mad by grief and is unwilling to ask for help in the defence of Gondor from Théoden and the Riders of Rohan, ...
Ana spoke with Lord Saladin and gained his permission to access Felspring's remains at the Iron Temple, but House Salvation had intercepted Last City transmissions and learned of their plan, heading to the temple to destroy or claim Felspring first. Fortunately, Saladin had already sent a ...
The liturgy proclaims “Alleluia! The Lord is Risen. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” It is the triumph song of life conquering death in the Suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. This week I have done about all that I could to avoid political, legal and even religious con...
Peter foretells in these passages that the “day of the Lord” will then run its course, until the remaking of the heavens and the earth. The rapture will begin this “day of the Lord,” which will then run at least 1,007 years. This is the first phase of Christ’s second coming....
Enduring much pain in his last days, he finally "yielded up his soul without any effort, like a candle going out", while reciting the psalm Deus, in adjutorium me festina (O Lord, make haste to help me).[125] His body was laid to rest in Saint-Denis Basilica outside Paris. It ...
You learned the Lord’s Prayer, and that Christ had risen from the dead, and that you must pledge allegiance to the flag, and that we had fought the British and gained our independence because we could lick anybody in the world. But the war Marquand and Briggs had known in 1917-1918 ...
THEunity of Christians, indeed all peoples, is the heartbeat and infallible vision of Jesus. St. John captured Our Lord’s cry in a beautiful prayer for the Apostles, and the nations that would hear their preaching: Continue reading
Okay, Lord. But what exactly is that going to entail? This question came up when I ran into friend from church on the ferry last week. “What are we supposed do if they begin to round up the most vulnerable in our midst?” she asked. “Join hands to block their way with our bodie...