(holds up a Bible) Put your faith in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank. “还有别的问题么?(无人回答)我相信两件事:纪律和圣经。在这儿,你们都会收到的。(扬起手中的圣经)把信仰交给上帝,你们这身贱肉归我。欢迎来到肖申克。” HADLEY哈雷 Off with them clothes! And I ...
She came down to the stream, and set the lamp upon the water, and let it float away. The flame flickered to and fro, and seemed ready to expire; but still the lamp burned on, and the girl’s black sparkling eyes, half veiled behind their long silken lashes, followed it with a gaz...
I praise you Lord God, that your Word is living and active. No matter how often we read a passage or hear a scripture story, you can breathe fresh life into its meaning and impact. The Christmas narrative is no exception. As we read and hear again the grand story of Jesus’ birth, ...
In the Year of our Lord 2024, a decisive majority of Americans have chosen to blow up democracy, the rule of law, the common good, civil liberty, women’s rights, health care, international stability, public sanity, and our last hopes of staving off climate apocalypse. Did they know what...
And that's only what we expect from Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the team behind the amazing Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. And that's the kind of movie that set a great standard for what an animated movie should be. Throughout, you've got a good story, with the Mitchells ...
These lyrics convey gratitude by recognizing the gifts of love, peace, freedom, and divine intervention with a gospel-influenced refrain. "Open up your heart, let your body find/Freedom in your stride, love and peace of mind, yeah/One more time and we got to say/That the Good ...
This one stars Tom Berenger and Billy Zane as a pair of mismatched military snipers dropped into the Colombian jungle together; they're tasked with killing a drug lord, but they don't know or trust each other just yet, so everything goes wrong until they learn that old saw about team ...
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 (NIV) Read the Chapter Saturday...
he allows it. Time within' himself has a direct connection to all time present not just in one single fandom. He is aTime Lordafter all. Even going as far as to allow sight of any conceptual being, such as past, present, and future of the being, regardless of what type of in-access...
Performance:"Take My Hand, Precious Lord" After the previous year's racy performance of "Drunk In Love" that opened the show, Beyoncé took a markedly more pious approach with her musical number in 2015. Backed by an all-male choir, she sang "Take My Hand, Precious Lord," a gospel cla...