A Prayer for Celebrating God's Faithfulness in Hard Times - Your Daily Prayer - January 22 A Prayer for Celebrating God's Faithfulness in Hard Times By Christine F. Perry Bible Reading:"Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to ...
Posted inBlessings,Encouragement,Faith,God's Goodness,God's Grace,God's Love,Intimacy with God,Prayer,Renewing the Mind,Seeking God,Uncategorized,Waiting on God, taggedGod Speaks,God's Voice,How to Hear God's Voice,Jeremiah 33:3,John 8:47,Listening to God,Psalm 145:18,Revelation 3:20on ...
In the Year of our Lord 2024, a decisive majority of Americans have chosen to blow up democracy, the rule of law, the common good, civil liberty, women’s rights, health care, international stability, public sanity, and our last hopes of staving off climate apocalypse. Did they know what...
at the end of chapter fifteen, Paul writes, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain....
The Greatest Verse in the Bible 00:00 08:25 静音 M 调高音量 调低音量 增速 Shift+. 降低速度 Shift+, 向后跳过15秒 orJ 播放/暂停 SpaceorK 跳过15秒 orL 弹出播放器 扬声器 Steven Frakes 已录入 类别 播客 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2022年4月18日...
I promise I will always spread the good gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth everywhere! I miss your presence, God Tout Puissant, and baby Neriah🥹 ️ but I can’t wait to reach my destination and see my « visitors »🤣💃🏽😂🎊 it’s a party it’...
“I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea. “The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him. ...
Understand each verse's historical, cultural, and theological context, enriching your biblical knowledge. Prayer Plans: Spiritual growth requires intentionality. Our prayer plans guide you through thematic reflections, helping you grow in specific areas of your faith journey. Bible Reading Plans: Whether...
Get notifications when it's time to pray Use widgets to have prayer times on hand PROGRESS TRACKING Check how well you're doing on the Quran study progress with weekly and monthly achievments Please Note: we NEVER share your personal data with third parties or the US government. We respect...
“poesy” of Herbert’s verse, adroitly binding those flowers to the written text which offers them to our senses). Next comes a statement of the meditation’s purpose: by comparing his life to the flowers, the poet will “smell my remnant out.” Using the verb’s secondary meaning—to ...