Define longness. longness synonyms, longness pronunciation, longness translation, English dictionary definition of longness. n length Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,
Define longest. longest synonyms, longest pronunciation, longest translation, English dictionary definition of longest. adj. long·er , long·est 1. a. Extending or traveling a relatively great distance. b. Having relatively great height; tall. c. Having
Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation of numbers ending in tea or tea. Choose the correct number you hear, and then repeat the sentence. 1550 minutes passed before the meeting. He was born in. Great changes took place in the in China. The flight is due to arrive at 7:...
“Floccinaucinihilipilification” is one of those words people use to show off their impressive vocabulary; it has the distinction of being thelongest non-technical, non-medical word in English. When you first see it, you might assume its pronunciation is—ha ha, just kidding! This one is ...
The longest word with one syllable Brits and Americansare going to argue over this one. Because of our different pronunciations, we don’t agree on what is the longest one-syllable word in English. People from the US and Canada might tell you that it’s the wordsquirrel(l)ed. This has...
the promotion of the the pronunciation the properties and ap the properties of the the proportion borne the prospect of ecolo the prostitution of s the protein interface the protesters showed the protocols the province s mounta the psychological cou the public distrust o the public health adm ...
language and it is no wonder that there are words in the language that are certified tongue twisters. This isn’t only because they are long. But also because the spelling and pronunciation require experience and expertise in the language. Here are the top 10 longest words in the English ...
being the longer or longest of alternatives: the long way to the bank having more than the average or usual quantity, extent, or duration: a long match seeming to occupy a greater time than is really so: she spent a long afternoon waiting in the departure lounge intense or thorough (esp...
forGerman Word of the Year, and it also won a special award as the longest German word for that year. It refers to a "law for regulating the labeling of beef"—all in one word, which is why it is so long. German also likesabbreviationsand acronyms, and this word has one: ReÜ...
英语语言学(高起本).pdf 单选题 1.The term___is used for less drastic difference restricted to variation in pronunciation.A.sociolect B.dialect C.geographical dialect D.accent 答案:D 2.___is a term widely used to refer to varieties according to use in sociolinguistics.A.Register B.Dialect ...