The Long Hard Road Out of Hell is the autobiography of Marilyn Manson, leader of the shock rock band Marilyn Manson. The book (written with the help of Neil Strauss of Rolling Stone Magazine), follows Manson's life from when he was a child, and was born as Brian Hugh Warner. It also...
网络释义 1. 走出地狱的漫长征途 ...曼森(Marilyn Manson)合作写了传记《走出地狱的漫长征途》(The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell),与珍娜·詹姆森(Jenn…|基于 1 个网页
《The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell(来自地狱的漫漫长路)》翻译(直译) 目录前 总有一天,一个充满大爱和蔑视世俗的救赎者,会为了此而到来,由于我们的不自信—比起以前的烂光景我们处在一个更强大的年代,他极富创造性的力量十分的引人注目,面对不论是冷漠还是不屑他都从不停歇,他的独树一帜被世人视为超越...
The Long Hard Road Out of Hell电子书 售价:¥105.17 50人正在读 |1人评论 6.2 作者:Manson, Marilyn 出 版 社:It Books 出版时间:2012-05-08 字数:42.0万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>文学/自传/回忆录 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
【爱丽丝黑文】The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell 只看楼主收藏回复 甜甜的挪威 退治许可 6 一不小心东方也懵懵懂懂地迷恋了两年虽然说真的有些爱真正地付出了,但是是时候来个了结于是我就用了连载这种方式,为了让结束成为一个漫长的过程整篇文章大概以爱丽丝的视角围绕幻想乡走向灭亡的过程大结界毁坏及妖怪混入...
《离开地狱的漫漫长路》(《The Long Hard Road Out of Hell》) 作者:Marilyn Manson为保障个人隐私之故,本书中凡涉及明确可识别身份者之名均为化名,有些则是多人之姓名合一而成。另:此书精装版于1998年由HARPERCOLLINS出版社出版发行 但终有一天, 在一个比当下腐朽不堪,人人自卑的时节更令人振奋的年代里,他...
The Long Hard Road Out of Hell is the autobiography of Marilyn Manson, leader of the shock rock band Marilyn Manson. The book (written with the help of Neil Strauss of Rolling Stone Magazine), follows Manson's life from when he was a child, and was born as Brian Hugh Warner. It also...
Nothing in the kitchen had changed as long as I'd been eating her inedible food there.Above the table hung a yellowing picture of the pope in a cheap brass frame.An imposing-looking family tree tracing the Warners back to Poland and Germany,where they were called the Wanamakers ,was plast...
MANSON, Marilyn with STRAUSS, Neil (1998) The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. New York: HarperCollins.Manson, Marilyn and Neil Strauss. The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. New York: NY: HarperPerennial, 1998. Martin, Walter. "Satanism...