Like every other power source, a GN Drive has a limited moment-by-moment output; however, due to its very nature, a GN Drive will continue to supply power for a theoretically infinite period of time, so long as the GN drive is not pushed to breaking limits. Within the context of ...
Welcome to The Long Journey Home Wiki The The Long Journey Home reference written and maintained by the players. Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones. We are currently maintaining 1,085 pages (159 articles). About The Journey From the bridge of...
The Cougar is a Wildlife predator in The Long Dark. They were initially added in Part 5 of the Tales from the Far Territory DLC (June 2024) but were promptly removed to be reworked and re-released in Part 6 (Dec 2024). They only appear in Survival Mode a
Albeit being an excellent pilot, Char's abilities are far less than those of Lalah Sune and Amuro Ray, and only developed as a result of long-term training. Char is also a cunning strategist and tactician, managing to outsmart many of his enemies, even when he is not piloting a mobile...
After Grodek was incarcerated, Flit's unrelenting drive as he pursued the Vagan while commanding the Federation mirrored his former captain. He gladly headed out to meet Grodek when he was finally released from jail and was greatly distraught at his death, seeing an image of the man he once ...
Hawkfrost: "If another bird attacks, we'll drive it off before it gets close to the kits." Tallpoppy: "Ten Clans couldn't drive off a bird like that!" Leopardstar: "Maybe not. but any cat here would die trying, for the sake of our kits." —The Clans after the eagle attacks Ma...
Eventually, Bonnie is able to break Elena's sleeping curse and she wakes up and reunites with Damon. Years later they marry and live a long and happy life. When they die, they find peace and reunite with their respective families. Early...
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According to the Dark Lord's strategy, the attacks by his chief agents will keep the two kingdoms from helping one another. To further weaken the resistance, Sauron used his palantír to drive Denethor, Steward of Gondor, into madness and despair.[51] ...
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