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来自iPhone客户端12楼2023-06-29 17:00 回复 BGMIS 被猎对象 5 怎么一更新新食谱的时候游戏容量少了一个G呢?更新前15G,更新后只有14G,再看《来自远方的故事dlc》只有500M大小,我记得这个dlc在出了新地堡和无线电的时候有将近1G 13楼2023-06-29 17:23 收起回复 历险...
TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY is a 12-month Expansion Pass campaign for THE LONG DARK. As such, content will be delivered in regular Parts over the course of the campaign.Each Part will be accompanied by an update video that explains what is being included in both the Paid and Free ...
The episodic story-mode for The Long Dark, WINTERMUTE, includes four of the five episodes that form WINTERMUTE. Episodes 1+2 were given a complete overhaul in December 2018, as part of the Redux Update: new mission structure, story beats, dialogue, animations etc. ...
Katie Sorrell, The Long Dark - Project Lead, Hinterland Published March 30, 2023 Grab your favourite pair of wool socks, Survivors – it’s time to explore the wild reaches of the Far Territory! Today, Hinterland is excited to launch the new Tales From the Far Territory Survival Mode ...
2、增强地堡:外观、内饰、物资,更多的刷新地图,其中3个物资充足; 3、增强赶海:更多物资,刷新机制与暴风雪相关; 4、橡树及果实:直接吃或做成咖啡效果的热饮; 5、修复与优化×NNNN 分享5137 thelongdark吧 噢噢噢子 The Long Dark极光美景分享(手机拍) 分享75 thelongdark吧 ZZL2001811 小伙伴们1.56版本 分享...
The early access release of PoE2 is absolutely worth a spin for ARPG fans: As much as we hate the cliche, it really is "the Dark Souls of isometric dungeon crawlers." Helldivers 2 (86%) A huge Helldivers 2 update dropped at the end of last year, adding the long-teased Illumiante ...
Hello, We have just updated The Long Dark Sandbox to v.226. This update introduces major performance improvements due to project migration to Unity 5, as well as some other improvements and bug fixes. THE LONG DARK SANDBOX UPDATED to v.226 -- CHANGELIST
【2017.01.0..抱歉各位 因为有事耽误了几天(PS:其实楼主元旦节偷懒了)今天晚上就会更新请勿插楼(更新完后)本文为总结 图片来自YouTube说直播的活在梦里吧 楼主现在不更 我还要赶作业
cura-logo-dark.PNG cura-logo.PNG cura.sharedmimeinfo cura_app.py pytest.ini Ultimaker Cura State-of-the-art slicer app to prepare your 3D models for your 3D printer. ...