"Unlike other psychotherapies throughout the history of modern psychology, Logotherapy gives new meaning to the place of the spiritual. This book undertakes a brief examination of the similarities between the healing ministry of Christ and the principles of Logotherapy developed by Viktor Frankl. In ...
The Logos of God and the End of Humanity: Giorgio Agamben and the Gospel of John on Animality as Light and Life Scholarship has generally attempted to show that the notion of the Logos in Justin's Apologies is largely indebted to Stoic or Platonic philosophy. If, how... E Meyer - 《Div...
1.The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions. 2.A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions:Protestant theology; Jewish theology. 3.A course of specialized religious study usually at a college or seminary. ...
Noun1.Logos- the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus) Son,Word Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank...
希腊文λόγος对应英文字母是logos,有多种含义,主要是:1. divine reason(神的道理) 2. cause(原因) 3. speech(发言) 4. word(话)5. consideration(考虑) 6. oration(致辞)。万变不离其宗。仔细分析这几个含义,我们会觉得它们都跟“话语”有关,但又不是单纯的话语,而是有道理的、有缘由的、经过...
the soul of man from the breath of God, and thus has the image of god. Interestingly, Heraclitus also stressed that the relationship between God and the soul in such a way, "because in this sacred" logos ", we are here, the soul of ability and cleverness" is also a kind of atmosphe...
由此可见,the Word,也就是 the Word of God,它已经成了基督教的专门用词,拿它来翻译中国经典里的“道”是不合适的。 基督教信仰圣父、圣子、圣灵三而一的上帝。上帝是三位一体的:圣父是万有之源造物之主,圣子是太初之道(即the Word)降世为人的基督耶稣,圣灵受圣父之差遣运行于万有之中,运行于教会之中。
逻辑神——赫拉克利特论逻各斯(logos)(The logic of God -- Heraclitus on logos (logos)) 逻辑神——赫拉克利特论逻各斯(logos)(The logic of God -- Heraclitus on logos (logos)) The philosopher Heraclitus (530 BC - 470 years ago) that the logos (logos) is the common truth is the highest ...
主题(Topic): 神学Theology - 神论 Doctrine of God 在Logos的版本中,《认识圣洁》拥有强大的功能。圣经出处直接连接到本文,以及重要的词彙会连接到字典,百科全书,与您数位图书资料库里丰富的其他资源。功能强大的搜索可立刻找到您想要的搜索。使用您的平板电脑和移动应用程式(Apps),可随身携带您与他人的讨论事项。藉...
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