微处理器通常由多个功能单元组成,包括算术逻辑单元(ALU)、控制单元(CU)和寄存器等。它通过接收和执行指令来完成各种计算任务,并与其他硬件组件进行通信。 A microprocessor is an integrated circuit (IC) that contains all the functions of a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It is capable ofperformin...
The VPU is the dominant part of the vision chip and usually utilizes the single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) array of processing elements (PEs). VPUs in early works [2,5] were mainly composed of the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) array. They can accomplish the image signal processing...
The central processing unit (CPU)is the computer’s brain. It handles the assignment and processing of tasks, in addition to functions that make a computer run. There’s no way to overstate the importance of the CPU to computing. Virtually all computer systems contain, at the least, some t...
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TheANDandORhavetwoinputsandoneoutput,whiletheNOThasoneinputandoneoutput. COMBINATIONALELEMENTS AND-gate Y=A&B AB Adder A+BY Y=A+B Y Multiplexer Arithmetic/LogicUnit Y=F(A,B)A Y=S?I1:I0 I0I1 Mux YB ALU ...
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For example, if an addition instruction is to be executed, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) inputs are connected to a pair of operand sources (numbers to be summed), the ALU is configured to perform an addition operation so that the sum of its operand inputs will appear at its output, ...
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) It is an arithmetic circuit that performs calculations. Instruction Register A storage circuit that temporarily stores the read instructions. Instruction Decoder It decrypts the instruction stored in the instruction register, and sends to the control...
Arithmetic logic unit Thearithmetic logic unit(ALU) performs the arithmetic and logical functions that are the work of the computer. TheAandBregistershold the input data, and theaccumulatorreceives the result of the operation. Theinstruction registercontains the instruction that the ALU is to perform...
A system clock circuit driven by a clock and an operation code in the instruction register to control the operation of the sequential logic circuit. Access to the ALU is through an input multiplexer inputs of which are connected to the output of the memory and the outputs of the data ...