The aging patriarch and matriarch of the Ghosh family preside over their large household, made up of their five adult children and their respective children, unaware that beneath the barely ruffled surface of their lives the sands are shifting. Each set of family members occupies a floor of the...
the lives of others,这里的others也是名词词性,应该说是一个代词,表示“他人”the book of me,虽然说中文可以翻译通,但是以英语国家的思维肯定是翻译不通的,mine表示的是my books.所以实际外国人理解的意思不是“我的书”而是“我的书中的一本”其实物品都是这样,比如 a watch of mine,lif...
The Lives of OthersHeather Brooke's long fight to reveal parliamentary expenses led to a revolution in British political life. Her new book opens up further fronts in the war to set information free. Boyd Tonkin meets herTonkin, Boyd
For instance, only a few months ago, the great East German lyricist Günter Ullmann sent me his latest book of poetry with a dedication of thanks for "The Lives of Others". It included a text about how he kept being interrogated by the Stasi so brutally that he became completely paranoid...
Digging for answers led the Averys and the Hyneses to a nurse with an odd nickname. “When have you ever heard of an angel of mercy being referred to as Tiger?” asked Edward Lake, the author of a book about cottage hospitals. It was this woman, Nurse Tiger, on whose watch most of...
Wesler and the prostitute, on the other hand, establish a gray area of money between good and evil, where emotional belonging cannot be achieved.(Screen from The lives of others showing Wiesler has sex with a prostitute.)When it comes to the damage of social attribute, the way of ...
It is not merely the bad book that does not last, and the good one that does. It is a distinction of species. There are good books for the hour, and good ones for all time; bad books for the hour, and bad ones for all time. I must define the two kinds before I go farther. ...
Unlike many travel offerings that label and perform so-called ‘authentic’ culture, The Lives of Others is an open book. We hazard a guess that your most extraordinary discoveries will not be the wildly variant ways in which people dress, cook or celebrate, but all that you find you have...
creation of the artist, it is powerful enough to deter "evil" and make it afraid. And all this is just Kurt's "self". Just like in "The Lives of Others", Wiesler gains the courage to confront evil by simply watching the writer's creative process and secretly reading his book. ...
of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required ...