看完《the little things》(中译名:蛛丝马迹)后,心情久久不能平静。你说,是不是毛骨悚然,鸡皮疙瘩起一地,像是电流过遍全身的感觉。我可以毫不犹豫的说并没有那么夸张。但是说句实在话,和我看完《盗梦空间》的那个晚上感觉特别像,压根儿就睡不着觉,翻来覆去脑子里全是... (展开) ...
THE LITTLE THINGSRating: THE LITTLE THINGS, or to be precise, “the little things” is a well-thought-out film, and if putting a film together with the pre-fab precision of a Lego® sculpture were all it took to make a great flick, such it would be. Alas, the overweening self-...
The Little Things (2021) | PHOTO: Warner Bros Now, back for the first time in years to pick up some evidence and nothing more, Deke is needled by young, cocksure Detective Sergeant Jim Baxter (Rami Malek), a rising star in the L.A. County Sheriff’s homicide department. He convinces ...
Movies like “The Little Things” feel like a vanishing breed. In the wake of the success of “The Silence of the Lambs,” there seemed to be a dark, brooding thriller adaptation every week with titles like “Kiss the Girls” and “The Bone Collector,” and it felt like half of them ...
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All the little things made this movie iconic 之所以写这个是因为很多人只看到最表层的东西。之前曾想给《The Prestige》写一篇类似的评论,但实在太懒,因而一直没有写成。看这部电影时的感觉跟《The Prestige》有点类似,也是为一些细节内容着迷不已。A.比喻、对比、暗示1、25052大街:Rachel被炸死、以及Harvey Dent...
7、Madness, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push. …… F.其他 配乐:光听配乐没觉得什么,放在影片里就显得很出彩。 表演:整部电影里的表演都很出色,包括一些非常小的角色,也都有不错的发挥(比如那个长得有点像Cillian Murphy的小疯子)。
Pallavi Sharda and Suraj Sharma (Life of Pi, How I Met Your Father) are Asha and Ravi, two thirty-somethings tired of being set up on Indian dating websites by their parents. So what do they do when faced with a long season of weddings where they’ll face endless questions about ...
Another Spielberg trademark, faithfully achieved by Donner, is a breakneck narrative speed. More things happen in this movie than in six ordinary action films. There’s not just a thrill a minute; there’s a thrill, a laugh, a shock, and a special effect. The screenplay has all the kids...
影片信息:导演:马丁·斯科塞斯编剧:查尔斯·布兰特/斯蒂文·泽里安主演:罗伯特·德尼罗/阿尔·帕西诺/安娜·帕奎因/乔·佩西/杰西·普莱蒙/更多...类型:剧情/传记/犯罪制片国家/地区:美国语言:英语上映日期: 2019-09-27(纽约电影节) / 2019-11-01(美国点映) / 2019-11-27(美国网络)片长: 210分钟又名:爱尔兰...