THE LITTLE THINGSRating: THE LITTLE THINGS, or to be precise, “the little things” is a well-thought-out film, and if putting a film together with the pre-fab precision of a Lego® sculpture were all it took to make a great flick, such it would be. Alas, the overweening self-...
A romantic S/M story, that is rather elegant filmed and show naughty games with a beautiful young lady... Yes, she look a lot more lovely, than the bad picture on the DVD's front cover.But this film is partly too slow, has only a few rather interesting scenes, some S/M scenes ar...
b.The entire enclosure in which a movie is filmed; the sound stage. 6.Music a.A session of music, typically dance music, played before an intermission. b.The music so played. 7.The collective receiving apparatus assembled to operate a radio or television. ...
“Love Talk”, Tiffany seeks their advice on her love life. “I’ll Be Right Back” features a hidden-camera segment with Tiffany asking the children to cover her desk while she’s out of the office and things go haywire. In the “Granny Tiff” segments, Tiffany is disguised as an ...
I love the way the author describes little things such as dun-brown paint on a stairwell and the features of a wooden lift that may, or may not get stuck between floors in a rambling old building, which has very much gone to seed and is awaiting demolition. The old ladies who once li...
Sure, they may not be filmed in black and white, but their stories very much embody film noir. So which are the best techno noir and future noir movies of all time? See what fans of films think below. What defines the future noir genre? One way to define it is as a combination of...
He noted, "I found little things to develop [regarding the characters], like Chakotay's animal guide." (The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine issue 4, p. 13) In coming up with this scene, Piller conferred with the series' Native American consultant, Jamake Highwater, and used a ...
Five-hundred years after the fall of Tenochtitlan, Aztec culture endures, thanks to its descendants, protectors, and centuries-old documents that are moving the Aztec language and lore into the age of AI.
Like the story Karl tells the kid about the little baby — that really happened where I grew up. All those characters are based on people I knew. Each character is a composite of a lot of people I’ve known.” The movie was set in Arkansas and filmed in Benton, Arkansas. ...
David Harbour (“Stranger Things”), Scott Thompson (“The Kids in the Hall”), Paul Sun-Hyung Lee (“The Mandalorian”), and Gabbi Kosmidis (“Unicorn Academy”) lead the voice cast.In the movie, “After a meteor unleashes a virus that turns zoo animals into zombies, a mountain lion...