Mumford E, Weir M (1979) Computer systems in work design-the ETHICS method: effective technical and human implementation of computer systems: a work design exercise book for individuals and groups. Wiley, New York Google Scholar Nasir A, Lim HB, Soong BH (2012) An integrated vehicular and ...
V. Skalička, another member of the Prague Circle, attempted as early as 1937 to grant toparolea status comparable to that oflangue(cf. his article, “Promluva jako linguisticky pojem”,SaS3:163–6 [1937]), views which he reiterated many years later; cf. his paper, “The Need for ...
ObjectiveTo assess the frequency of nodal involvement and its prognostic value in malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses, particularly in maxillary
I had a realization while trying to manage space on my Macbook. Stable Diffusion is resource heavy and can use a lot of storage when you start experimenting with models. The user interfaces are basically web applications built on the Gradio framework. And I had slightly better GPUs sitting in...
To perfume the leather glove, I used a combination of two recipes from John Partridge book. The full text can be access here To perfume Gloues. cap. l TAke Gloues, & wash them in Rosewater, or Damaske water, tyll the scurfs of ye...
Being a dutiful son, my father entered the business world, but he didn't give up his dream. It was transferred to me. Paul Starr writes of my grandfather's viewpoint in his insightful book, The Social Transformation of American Medicine (1). My grandfather's opinion of physi- cians ...
Other Cities:An alternative to staying in Pamplona is to book a hotel in San Sebastián, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Logroño or Estella and make the early morning trip to the bull run from there. The trouble is that getting public transport early enough in the morning to see the bullrun can prove...
Armor:Integrated armor basically consists of internal padding that provides ample protection from impacts in the event of a crash. And while any armor is better than no armor, there are different brands and types on offer like D30 and SAS-TEC, rated using a specific Level numbering system. ...
We did not include proceedings papers, book chapters, book reviews, editorial materials, or books. It is possible that this search left some interesting articles out of the sample if the keywords or the topic did not include any of the searched terms. A summary of the selection process is ...
Method and materials: RD-Portugal developed a set of materials: a teachers' booklet, a PowerPoint presentation and guiding notes (1st– 9th grades) and a book (Preschool), and activity materials for students according to their school year. To register, schools fill out the form available at ...