As the world is finally comprehending the vast human tragedy of the Syrian refugee crisis, Germany has been more Canadian than Canada – at least based on what I believe my country should represent. Germany led by its leader Angela Merkel has been the only major western country consistently ask...
25. Both official and unofficial records indicate that the war ___ over 6 million people, resulting in the creation of the largest refugee population worldwide today. A. misplaced B. displaced C. replaced D. placed 26. Few are spared from suffering in The Kite Runner, and the author _...
ABSTRACTView further author informationPatricia StoiView further author informationDominique RauchView further author informationAnna LaschewskiView further author informationSusanne BseView further author informationSvenja Vieluf
teacher, and controlling time was my talent. Although I and other adults often talked about helping students reach their potential and grow as learners, what we really did each day was control their time and force upon them ideas and subjects in which most of them had little to no interest...
Sitting elbow-to-elbow, they filled the pews, siblings in matching button-down shirts and dresses, little girls’ hair tied neatly into pink bows. Fathers shushed babbling toddlers as their wives snuck out to change infants’ diapers. A little girl in this mostly Mennonite congregation was ...
There’s a story about a fancy Episcopal church in New York City where a visitor sitting in one of the front pews started crying out “Praise the Lord!” at various points in the liturgy. This made the regular congregation a little nervous, and before long one of the ushers made his wa...
Refugee and asylum-seeking women in Canada may have significant harmful childbearing health outcomes and unmet health and social care needs. The most vulnerable of these women are: those who have left their countries by force (e.g., war, rape or abuse histories), are separated from their fami...
I have two websites that people could really go to before I give my information: Teaching Tolerance has some resources, they’re more general. Rethinking Education is another platform that people could go to, and actually there’s the book that is called Rethinking Early-Childhood Education. ...
When teaching about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, participants paid particular attention to teaching conflicting narratives on the events of 1948 and the establishment of the State of Israel, with a focus on the Palestinian refugee crisis as “one of the things… they [students] ...
A McKinsey team, along with Bridge International Academies and non-profits Basmeh & Zeitooneh and Vitol Foundation, is developing a curriculum for robust, low-cost tablets to help educate refugee children. Social Impact April 6, 2016More than 59 million people globally are classified by the ...