The ultra right-wing Alan B'Stard, the most selfish, greedy, dishonest, sadistic and sociopathic Conservative MP of them all, plots to achieve his meglomaniacal ambitions. Read more: Plot summary Seasons 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Unknown See all Creators Maurice Gran (written by) (created ...
mention of Spock, since Leonard Nimoy had made it clear that he was not keen to make a second Star Trek film, Sowards thought he had a way of persuading Nimoy to return: he suggested that Bennett tell Nimoy that in this film Spock would die a little more than a third into the story...
I especially like his four point summary of the tools God has given us… Remember, the darker it gets, the brighter and farther our little light shines! Maranatha, Lord come quickly! myblessedhope ___ Can I Change? By Grant Phillips How many times have those who really want to change t...
There’s a story about a fancy Episcopal church in New York City where a visitor sitting in one of the front pews started crying out “Praise the Lord!” at various points in the liturgy. This made the regular congregation a little nervous, and before long one of the ushers made his wa...
boil down, decoct, concentrate, reduce - be cooked until very little liquid is left; "The sauce should reduce to one cup" shrink, contract - become smaller or draw together; "The fabric shrank"; "The balloon shrank" shrink, shrivel, shrivel up, wither - wither, as with a loss of mois...
Lebanese Civil War, a Palestinian refugeecamp in East Beirut was leveled. Why don’t we hear about this sordidhistory?Because it doesn’t fit the anti-Israel andanti-Semitic narrative, that’s why.While supporters of Israel tend to paint Iranas an ardent backer of Hamas, it is a more...
At the same time, I’m also juggling between volunteering in a hostel for free stay and helping at a refugee kitchen. 2) It’s interesting that you chose to travel on your Vespa, how did this idea come about? I’ve always been a biker first, a traveller second. Naturally, travelling...
When it was first released, Lord of the Flies had little success in book sales. However, as more readers began enjoying the novel, its popularity grew immensely and it became a classic. Show 2 Educator Answers Golding's choice of British schoolboys in "Lord of the Flies." Golding chose...
Whether Britain can deport people to Rwanda will ultimately be settled in the courts. The broad international conventions that dictate Britain’s asylum policy, such as the Refugee Convention and the Europe an Convention on Human Rights, have been left untouched by the scheme. Judges will decide ...
3. Honestly, open ended is usually a little better. Does it leave the reader with a question? We shouldn’t have to tell the reader the drama, such as “riddling her life with…”. Concise: A shy girl’s life is turned upside-down by one change: her species. ...