需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 【英文绘本】The Little Red Hen英文.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:新起点 审核时间:2017-04-24 审核编号:8051136115001000 认证类型:实名认证 ...
One day, the little red hen found some grains of wheat. 旁白:One day, the little red hen found some grains of wheat. 旁白: Dear friends, I can make bread from this.o Wwhill help me plant the ...
The Little Red Hen红色小母鸡英语绘本故事pdf资源lt;p适合年龄:lt;p6岁以上lt;p资源介绍:lt;p本文给大家分享的资源是海尼曼分级绘本G2级别中的一本The Little RedHen,中文名为:红色小母鸡,p
红色小母鸡 有一天,一只红色的小母鸡想吃一些美味的面包。 首先,她必须种下很多小麦种子。 “你可以帮我种小麦种子吗?”她问她的朋友们。 “不行,”困倦的小猫,忙碌的小猴和咀嚼的奶牛说。 “那我就自己做了。”红色的小母鸡说。并且她真的做了。 接下来,她必须...
So the little red hen had to do all the housework. 所以小红母鸡不得不做所有的家务。 She cooked the meals and washed the dishes and made the beds. 她做饭,洗盘子,整理床。 She swept the floor and washed the windows and mended the clothes. ...
“Will you help me plant the wheat? ” asked Little red Hen. “Will you help me plant the wheat? ” asked Little red Hen. “Not I !” said the dog. “Not I !” said the cat. “Not I !” said the mouse. “Will you help me cut the wheat? ” asked Little red Hen. “Will...
one day, a little red hen wanted some yummy bread. First, she had to plant lots of tiny wheat seeds. " will you help me plant wheat seads?"she asked her animal friends. "No way," said the sleepy cat, busy dog, and chewing cow."then i...
绘本《The Little Red Hen[小红母鸡]》,Harper Collins 绘本内容 A fresh retelling by Byron Barton of the well-loved story of the little red hen who grows grain, threshes wheat, and feeds her chicks–all by herself, without any help from her lazy friends.Mr. Barton’s simple words, bold ...
《The Little Red Hen》红色小母鸡,是一个英文传统童话,故事讲述了一只小母鸡从播种、收割、磨麦粉到做面包的整个过程,在此过程中她请求dog、cat、mouse等朋友帮忙,但他们的回答是:“NOT I”,可最后面包做好了,他们却要分享成果。小母鸡会同意么?你...
绘本故事《牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree JD-5 The Little Red Hen》- 适合 3-4岁 绘本《牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree JD-5 The Little Red Hen》, 绘本内容 牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree The Little Red Hen