The little mermaid kissed his hand, and felt as if her heart were already broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea. All the church bells rung, and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal. Perfumed oil was burni...
Welcome to BoBo World: The Little Mermaid 2! This is our widely acclaimed sequel to BoBo World: The Little Mermaid, bringing you an even more fashionable and im…
The little mermaid kissed his hand, and felt as if her heart were already broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea. All the church bells rung, and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal. Perfumed oil was burni...
純白的婚禮蛋糕和Frozen中的雪景十分相襯,配上典雅的Baby Blue更顯溫馨。 The Little Mermaid 紅綠色的大膽配色製作而成的杯子蛋糕也十分可愛,海洋元素像是貝殼、海星等也是婚禮蛋糕常見的裝飾。 Sleeping Beauty 睡美人的城堡以及花園也非常適合喜歡浪漫婚禮的新娘,層層的堆疊感似乎也象徵的無止盡的幸福呢! Photos:Po...
The little mermaid… 贝壳留着海的记忆, 我迷失在海边。 听不出海浪的纷飞, 看不见海岸的终点。 第一最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。 第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。 其实,我是属鸵鸟的。 每当感觉有丝毫不对的时候,就只会逃避。 逃到北京, [I need to buy a wedding present for my friend to his...
所属专辑:littlefox英语动画原声启蒙《美人鱼》 音频列表 1 007_The Little Mermaid 7_Watching from Afar 69 2024-05 2 008_The Little Mermaid 8_Dreaming of the Upper World 86 2024-05 3 009_The Little Mermaid 9_The Journey to Gooba 87
The Little Mermaid always wondered what the world is like above the sea. “When you become fifteen, you can swim up and see the world above.” And finally the Little Mermaid had her fifteenth birthday. “Finally you can see the world above the sea!” “Congratulations!” Very excited and...
The Little Mermaid chapter 14 a royal wedding the princes words cut deeply into the Little Mermaid's heart. all her hopes and dreams were shattered. unable to speak, she could not tell the prince she had saved him from the storm.
The little mermaid kissed his hand, and felt as if her heart were already broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea. All the church bells rung, and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal. Perfumed oil was burni...
She rushed to the wedding ship to see her victory. The Little Mermaid saw the Sea Witch rise out of the sea. She saw that with the scepter, the Sea Witch had become a huge sea monster. Tentacles were twisting out from all over her body like an octopus. The Little Mermaid knew she ...