Aquata, Arista and Andrina. Triton presents Melody with a locket that bears her name, meant to remind his granddaughter that no matter who she is or where she goes, a part of her will always belong to the ocean. Unfortunately, the celebration is interrupted byMorgana, who has come to aven...
The Little Melody (My Version) is a YouTube movie spoof, a parody of The Little Mermaid (1989), inspired by Princess Tina of Enchantia, created by Princess Creation345, in honor of the late Samuel E. Wright, Pat Carroll, Kenneth Mars, Paddi Edwards, Budd
, The Ancient Seaclops, Hans Christian Andersen, Scales, Sandy, Catfish Club (Shelbow, Ray-Ray, Cheeks & Ink Spot), Melody, Alex, Glut the Shark, Morgana, Marina Del Rey, Tip & Dash, Guppies, Undertow, Cloak & Dagger, Benjamin, Swifty, Sea Animals and others - The Little Mermaid...
Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, Scuttle, Ursula, King Triton, Flotsam & Jetsam, Prince Eric, Max, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Alana, Adela, Aquata, Grimsby, Chief Louis, Carlotta, Catfish Club, Melody, Glut the Shark, Morgana, Tip & Dash, Undertow, Cloak & Dagger - "The Little Mermaid" Belle...
The Little Mermaid 1989 Scripts【小美人鱼】中英对照剧本 由 『英语我帮您』编辑整理 PAGE1 / NUMPAGES23 1--Ill tell you a tale of the bottomless blue我要告诉你一个关于这蓝色深海的传说 2--And its, hey to the starboard Heave-ho在右舷,嗨哟喔 3--Look out, lad A mermaid be waiting for you...
Ariel is the youngest of the seven princesses of the underwater kingdom of Atlantica. She is originally from Disney's The Little Mermaid, and made her first appearance in Kingdom Hearts.
1、The Little Mermaid In Harmonywhat makes someone special?I suppose it all dependsIts what unique in each of usThat we all share as friendsThe difference is our differencesMaybe small or greatVariety adds spice to lifeSO we should celebrateIn harmonyHarmonyYou're you ,I'm meTogether we ca...
Maximus, Pub Thugs, The King (Tangled), The Queen (Tangled), Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, Ferdinand, Prince Charming, Prince Phillip, John Smith, Flynn Rider, Sebastian, Flounder, King Triton, Andrina, Arista, Aquata, Adella, Alana, Jack Skellington, Sally Skellington, Zero, Mayor of Halloweentown,...
we are the daughters of Triton 28--Great father who loves us and named us well 29--Aquata 30--Andrina 31--Arista, Attina 32--Adella, Alana 33--And then there is the youngest in her musical debut 34--Our seventh little sister Were presenting her to you 35--To sing a song Sebastian...