With its enchanting visuals and whimsical charm, Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo offers a delightful reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairy tale, The Little Mermaid. Set in a vibrant, magical world beneath the waves, the film follows the adventures of a young fish named Ponyo who longs...
Our in-depth guide to the mermaidcore aesthetic for 2023, including rich history of the aquatic trend, plus mermaid-inspired fashion and beauty products to shop now.
Chelsea is also my name but I'm a guy from Nigeria, a cosmetologist, I love my name Victory Chelsea Hannah it's really awesome to have as a first child of the family, it's a world wide name because of the football club, so I think the name matches with my signature color pink....
The Color Purple is a bold new take on the beloved classic starring Halle Bailey (The Little Mermaid, Last Holiday), Phylicia Pearl Mpasi (Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies) Taraji P. Henson (Hidden Figures, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), Colman Domingo (Lincoln, Selma, Fear The Wal...
Disney’s new character posters for its upcoming live-action adaptation of its 1989 classic ‘The Little Mermaid’ don’t look … good. But with the right recipe, they could be!
Hansen, Lene. 2000. “The Little Mermaid’s Silent Security Dilemma and the Absence of Gender in the Copenhagen School.”Millennium Journal of International Studies29(2):285-306. Harman, Sophie. 2019. Seeing Politics: Film, Visual Method, and International Relations. Qeuebec:McGill-Queen’s Un...
The 1980s were a dark time for Disney’s animation division, but the studio rediscovered its mojo with the triple whammy ofThe Little Mermaid,Beauty and the Beast, andAladdinduring the decade that followed. The highlight of the renaissance shifted away from Disney’s traditional fairytales to ...
11. A mermaid The Little Mermaidmovie was such a moment in 2023 that it’s time to run it back again this year. Even if you don’t want to dress as Ariel specifically, a mermaid is still a fantastic Halloween costume. Create your scales with a sequin tube top and your tail with a...
Halle Bailey looked oh-so-bridal at the 2023 Met Gala in a romantic semi-sheer lace Gucci dress with a high neckline and a ruffled, aquatic-esque cape seemingly inspired by her upcoming role in the upcoming filmThe Little Mermaid.
When it eventually happens, Eggers does not hold back, crafting a stunningly realistic set of genitalia that took inspiration from a variety of real-life sea creatures. Neither does Pattinson, as he releases a lifetime’s worth of pent-up lust on the mermaid in a sequence that reminds fans...