The Literature of Realism现实主义 Realism Realism had originated inFranceasréalisme,a literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth” in the depiction of ordinary life. Broadly defined as "the faithful representation真实表示of reality", based on the dogma教条of "objective reality客观现实", ...
Part 4 The Literature of Realism Whitman PartIVTheLiteratureofRealism Mainpoints I.historicalbackgroundII.literarysceneIII.poetsandnovelists IIIAmericanLiteraturebetweenCivilWarandWWI(1865-1914) I.historicalbackgrounda.effectofCivilWarbegantoquestionoptimisticidealsheldbypeoplewhetherlife...
part 4 THE LITERATURE OF REALISM 热度: TheliteratureofRealismTheliteratureofRealism WeekfiveWeekfive PresentedbyTinaLuPresentedbyTinaLu TheLiteratureofRealismTheLiteratureofRealism (1865(1865--1910)1910) Threebranches AmericanRealism (现实主义文学)
1、2022-3-201Chapter The Literature of Realism2022-3-202The BackgroundThe Background of American Realism of American RealismlThe fifty years between the end of the Civil War to the outbreak of the First World WarlChanges in every aspect of American lifelIndustrialization and the urbanization,l...
PartIV1TheLiteratureofRealism 美国 文学 课件 资源描述: 1、Part IVThe Literature of RealismRise of American Realism from the Civil War By the 1870s,the age of Romanticism and Transcendentalism was by and large over.With Henry James and Mark Twain active on the scene,realism became a major tre...
ChapterⅣTheLiteratureofRealism 2021/7/1 1 TheBackground ofAmericanRealism ThefiftyyearsbetweentheendoftheCivilWartotheoutbreakoftheFirstWorldWar ChangesineveryaspectofAmericanlife Industrializationandtheurbanization,“TheGildedAge”TiredofsentimentalfeelingsofRomanticism Interestinrealityoflife 2021/7/1 2 William...
Part IV. The Literature of Realism I.Fill in the blanks. 1.Realism had originated in the country ___ as a literary doctrine that called for "reality and truth" in the depiction of ordinary life. 2.The arbiter of nineteenth century literary realism in America was___ . 3.___ probed de...
Part IV. The Literature of RealismI. Fill in the blanks.1. Realism had originated in the country as a literary doctrine
Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: 剑桥中国文学史 The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature Vol. 1 热度: Part IV(1)The Literature of Realism美国文学课件 热度: AmericanLiterature ...
美国文学课件8TheLiteratureoftheRealisticPeriod1StudyQuestions1.WhatfiguresofspeechdoesthepoetusetodepictDeath?2.Whatimagesareusedtodescribethespeaker’sjourneywithDeath?3.Whydoesthedaydescribedseemsolongtothespeaker?OutlineⅠ.HistoricalOverviewⅡ.AmericanRealismⅢ.MarkTwainandhis“TheAdventuresofHuckleberryFinn” ...