Hi everyone I’ve been having fun writing about the union cross gang on ao3 recently and started an anthology series focusing on them and the wayfinder gang during union cross, remind and melody of memory heavily linked to my other fanfic series the gaurdian c...
YMMV • Radar • Quotes • (Funny • Heartwarming • Awesome) • Fridge • Characters • Fanfic Recs • Nightmare Fuel • Shout Out • Plot • Tear Jerker • Headscratchers • Trivia • WMG • Recap • Ho Yay • Image Links • Memes • Haiku • ...
Welcome to Fan Fiction. This forum is the place that allows users to share their own fan fiction ideas with the community. To add a new topic, please type the title in the box below and click "Add new topic". View recent changes for this forum |...
While I’m working on my next piece of fanfic, I thought I would chime in on a debate that I’ve been hearing a lot of since the debut of The Witcher IV and the trailer that showed us that Ciri is the new protagonist. Boy howdy has this trailer garnered a lot of push-back. The...
Another fanfic, @wishfultoki? 1 Ruckus Likes Drama June 2, 2020 at 5:00 AM UNREGISTERED And to be fair he was caught unaware! JTE did not tell him how close Luna had been to her family in her absence. LG was expecting JTE albeit a bit late and it took him a small time to ...
Bogum turns his back. It’s not quite Scar from The Lion King on a betrayal scale, but it’s pretty cold. Later, after Seongnam has presumably scrambled up a cliff, it’s time for some enforced brotherly bonding. Bogum is a straight-laced nerd who’s in bed before nine. Seongnam is...
Harry Potter fanfic: The Methods of Rationality (Book Reviews) — January 7 Olympus Pen 17mm and 14-150mm sample photos (Mimsy Were the Technocrats) — January 5 Olympus Pen E-P2 with 17mm and 14-150mm lenses (Mimsy Were the Technocrats) — January 3 California arson and the Great...
Klune’s doing double duty this year (or maybe even more? Damn, it’s hard to keep up), following up an adult contemporary fantasy with his first entry into YA, about a boy named Nick who happens to be the Extraordinaries fandom’s most popular fanfic writer, and who aims to be ev...
be plenty of my own headcanon to fill in the gaps.It probably mostly won't gel with the developers' vision,and for that I apologize to Trent Kusters (undisputed lord and master of the world of Armello) but I'll work with what I've got.But what the hell,that's what fanfic's for....
fanfic fang fanged fanned fanning fanny fantail farad farcical farcically farina faring farm farming farmland farrago farro farrow fart farting fatal fatality fatally fate fated fateful fating fatly fatted fatten fatty fatwa faucet fault faulted faulty faun fauna faunae faunal fava favor fawn fawning ...