Chin Ken PaSino-Christian Studies
Not very much is known of Saint Joseph or Joseph of Nazareth. All of the information we have is found in the Gospel of Luke and The Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Matthew tells us in the lineage of Jesus that Joseph’s father’s name was Jacob. It is believed Joseph was born some...
Nevertheless, the Children of Israel were considered the correct believers in God and recipients of the succession of Biblical prophets until Jesus or ʿĪsā. God in the Qur’an speaks of a covenant He made with the Children of Israel. They were given blessings and merit over all people ...
When Jesus spoke from Isaiah it would have drawn hope. The people listening would have considered themselves the poor who were captive to foreigners and pagans. They were tired of waiting and longing for freedom. They saw themselves as superior, moral, good, religious people who God should owe...
1.a record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person, family, or group. 2.the study of family ancestries or histories. 3.descent from an original form or progenitor; lineage.— genealogist,n.— genealogie, genealogical,adj. ...
. A much longer genealogy is that of Ezra the Scribe (Ezra 7, 1–5). Two different extended lineages of Jesus are found in Mathew 1:1–17 and Luke 3: 23–38 (Johnson 1969). One of the most interesting examples of this type of genealogy is that of Moses and particularly Aaron, ...
Heschel was becoming more frustrated with the changes in successive drafts, where Catholics still used the language of expecting the Jews to convert to the Catholic Church and blaming the Jews for killing Jesus as God (deicide). Merton did not accept this old Christian anti-Semitic charge. ...
In the How to Study the Bible podcast, Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible through her Alive Method of Bible study.
I praise you, Lord Jesus, for surrendering all the glorious perfections of heaven, to live amonguswith all ourun-glorious imperfections[1]. Also astounding is your arrival as an infant, born to peasants, in a stable-cave. How ignoble for the King of kings, the Alpha and Omega who always...
I always remember the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, I remained haunted as I was told of vengeful suffering I would receive from God’s wrath, should I break one of his commandments by cursing, telling lies, touching myself in my private area for too long - never did ...