toTOToThetheTHE增长的极限Limit 系统标签: limitsgrowth极限planetecosystems增长 1ThelimitstogrowthJonNevilljon.nevill@onlyoneplanet0422926515July23,2008Director,OnlyOnePlanetConsulting,POBox106Hampton3188VictoriaAustraliaOurhumanpopulationisnowpushingagainstthelimitsofPlanetEarth,ourhome.AscitizensofPlanetEarth,wemustf...
& Med.. Vol. 9. pp I17 to 120. Pergamon Press 1975. Prmled m Great Brilam BdOK REVIEWS The Limits to Growth by DONE L L A H. ME ADOWS, DE NNIS L . ME ADOWS, JORGEN RANDERS and WILLIAM W. BEHRENS III. Earth Island, London, 1972. 205 pp fl.00. Two hundred years ag...
The limits to growth 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 558 作者: DH Meadows 摘要: The Limits to Growth is one in a long series of books that have disturbed industrial society be pointing out the long-term and total- system implications of short-term, narrowly focused decisions. Each book ...
growthlimits极限增长nonrenewablepopulation TheLimitstoGrowth AbstractestablishedbyEduardPestel.AReporttoTheClubofRome(1972), byDonellaH.Meadows,Dennisl.Meadows,JorgenRanders,WilliamW.BehrensIII ShortVersionoftheLimitstoGrowth Ourworldmodelwasbuiltspecificallytoinvestigatefivemajortrendsofglobalconcern–accelerating in...
1972Donella H. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis L. Meadows for the Club of Rome.1972.The limits to growth: A report for the Club of Rome’s project on the predicament ofmankind, 158–175. New York: Universe Books.The Limits to Growthdonella h. meadows, jorgen randers, anddennis l....
The limits to growth: A report for the club of rome's project on the predicament of mankind Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jergen Randers, and Will... Meadows, Donnella H., Dennis L. Meadows, William W. Behrens, and Jorgen Randers. 1972. The limits to growth: A report for...
The Limits to growth的创作者 ··· 德内拉·梅多斯 作者 作者简介 ··· 德内拉·梅多斯 (Donella Meadows) 系统思考大师之一,也是“学习型组织之父”、《第五项修炼》作者彼得·圣吉的老师。著有畅销书《增长的极限》、系统思考入门读物《系统之美》。1996年创立了可持续性发展协会。2001年辞世,生前是达特...
withall thefanfarethatawell-organized public relationseffortcould provide, camethebook,TheLimitstoGrowth.2Itpresented,anddrewimplications from,aseriesofalternative predictions aboutthefutureob-tainedbyusingacomputertomanipulateasimple mathematical modelof theworld.It had all theright credentials, having been ...
The Limits to Growth, written in 1972 by a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), presented the results of a study in which a computermodel attempted to predict the fate of society. The model studied the interrelationships between the world's population, ...
The famous 1972 study 'Limits to growth' (LtG) created global controversy about its dire predictions for the 21st century - e.g., global population crash, rampant pollution and resource depletion. Amongst some of the most fervent critics was the mining industry, who argued that mineral-metals ...