How many legs does the adult frog have?5. Can the adult frog live on land? 2任务型阅读The life cycle of frogs青蛙的生命周期Good morning, everyone. I'm Ben. Today I want to tell yousomething about frogs. You may know the story Littletadpoles looking for their mommy. The story tells ...
The Life Cycle of the FrogAll animals have life cycles(生命周期)A frog(青蛙)starts life as an egg. The motherfrog lays eggs in the water. Then the littletadpoles(蝌蚪)come out of the eggs. Soon thetadpole starts to change. It has back legs. Then ithas front leg. Its tail starts to...
0 8 6 4 2 0gite cycle of a frog.根据图文提示,选样正确的句子 ,完成肯的成长款The life cycle of a frog A mother frog lays an egg in the water. T A. It has four legs now.The egg becomes a tadpole(). ② B. It is small and black.③ C. It has a round head and a t The...
Ⅵ. May know the life cycle of a frog. 根据图示,选择正确的句子,完成青蛙的生长故事。The life cycle of a frogA mother frog lays an egg in the water. \circled{1}___The egg becomes a tadpole(蝌蚪). \circled{2}___\circled{3}___The tail is long.The ...
YuanYuanTheNorthCampusofMianyangExperimentalMid-school Thelifecycleofafrog 1.Adultfrogs layeggs inspring.2.Afterabouttwoweeks,tadpolescomeout.3.Aboutfiveweeksold,theyhavebacklegs.4.Abouttenweeksold,theyhavefrontlegs,too.5.Theirtailsbecomeshortandthentheybecomefroglets.6.Thefrogletseatsmallanimalsandthen...
一、Read and choose. (请仔细阅读以下内容,完成青蛙的成长故事。)The life cycle of a frogA mother frog lays a
VI . May knows the life cycle of a frog. 根据图文提示,选择正确的句子,完成青蛙的成长故事。10 86420The life cycle of a frog A mother frog lays an egg in the water. ①) A. It has four legs now.The egg becomes a tadpole(). ② B. It is small and black. C. It has a round hea...
The Life Cycle of a Frog - 青蛙的生命周期 青蛙的生命周期 /单击此处添加副标题内容/ 汇报人:XX 目录 PartOne.添加目录标题 PartTwo.青蛙的卵和孵化 PartThree.蝌蚪的成长和生活习性 PartFour.青蛙的变态过程 PartFive.青蛙的繁殖和繁殖习性 PartSix.青蛙的寿命和生存环境 PartSeven.青蛙在生态系统中的作用和...
Lesson-T-The-Life-cycle-of-a-Frog LessonTTheLifeCycleofaFrog Sevendays MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday week Howmanydaysarethereinaweek?frog eggsoffrog Adultfrogslayeggsinspring.tadpole Abouttwoweeks,tadpolescomeout.tadpole 1 tadpolewithlegs 2 tadpolewithlegs Aboutfiveweeksold,theyhaveback...
本作品内容为青蛙的一生(The Life cycle of a Frog ),格式为ppt,大小4.0M,页数为14, 请使用Microsoft Office相关软件打开,作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容文本。 你可能感兴趣的 个人求职简...