The topic ‘ErrorThe license server may be experiencing a high demand or a temporary outage.’ is closed to new replies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features and analyze site traffic, and we may share this data with our partners, as out...
The License server may be experiencing a high demand or a temporary outage. Try again later. Not connected to a server for licensing client proxy actions Not connected to a server for Licensing Client Proxy actions. Connection timed out while reading data. The application has stopped waiting for...
I have installed the FlexNet License Server on my Windows Server and have configured it with LMTOOLS so that it will run as a service. When I try to start the FlexNet license server, I get the error message: Server Start Failed. The Server May Already Be Running!! In the Windows Event...
I have installed the FlexNet License Server on my Windows Server and have configured it with LMTOOLS so that it will run as a service. When I try to start the FlexNet license server, I get the error message: Server Start Failed. The Server May Already Be Running!! In the Windows Event...
答案:出现"specify the license server"和"specify the license file"的错误提示时,通常意味着软件许可验证出现问题。可能的原因包括网络连接问题、许可证服务器配置错误或本地许可证文件损坏等。以下是对此问题的 一、问题概述 当软件需要验证许可证以确认其合法性时,可能会出现这样的错误提示。这通常...
3.双击打开Launch.exe,选择第2项“Install License Server"安装,或者进入光盘ugslicensing020目录,运行setup,在安装过程中会提示你寻找license文件,点击NEXT会出错,这时使用浏览(Browse)来找到你硬盘上第2步修改好的ugnx6.lic文件就可以了。继续安装直到结束,目录路径不要改变,机器默认就行,(建议默认,...
1 安装好ANSYS后打开提示:Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not responsive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS: 2325@2325@ldc-pcFLEXlm Servers: 1055@ldc-pc 2 遇到这种情况一般有两个原因:设置方法如下。右键打开“我的电脑”的属性,选择“高级”->“环境变量”,在“系统变量”中“新建...
IntelliJ IDEA 破解之后,用了一段时间后,打开软件提示no suitable licenses left on the license server 需要让我们重新注册,原来是之前的地址服务更改为了新的地址: 所以我们在使用服务器激活的时候使用新的地址代替原来的地址即可:http://jetbrains-license-server/ ...
1、首先,问题可能是电脑安装了arcgis软件,导致ERDAS和ArcGIS软件的冲突造成的。所以现在需要解决的是二者服务冲突的问题。打开服务管理器控制面板——管理工具——服务。2、再服务管理器中找到ArcGIS License Manager,即为arcgis服务,把其停止并设置为“手动”启动方式!3、然后,重新保存Erdas的服务(或者...