[DSCMN_10097] The license is not valid for the following reasons: [You do not have the license to get columns from the data source at run time or to parameterize the data object for the transformation[Write_C_S_ABC_IND_CD_ARP900].,You do not have the license to get columns from th...
Server A works fine and Licensing Diagnoser is not showing any problems. CAL's are being allocated and users are able to RDP just fine.Server B is showing the error under RD Licensing Diagnoser "License server is not available. The could be caused by network connectivity"...
针对您遇到的“invalid (inconsistent) license key. the license key and data for the feature”错误,这通常指示您的软件或应用程序中的许可证密钥存在问题。这个问题可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些排查和解决此问题的步骤,由于这个问题通常不涉及直接的代码修改,因此我将不提供具体的代码片段,但会给出一些检查和修...
NUKE一直未能找到一个有效的许可证。这可能是因为许可证文件安装不正确,您当前的许可证已过期,或你没有安装有一个有效的核许可证。请检查您已经安装许可证文件在正确的目录(详情请参阅下文) - 联系sales@thefoundry.co.uk获得免费评估许可证,或许可证延长。
如题,UFLT是什么功能,没有该License会对设备运行有什么影响 2019-09-16提问 举报 (0) 最佳答案 我什么都不知道 这个是文件过滤功能,如果需要使用该功能,需要购买UFLT授权,对其他业务不会有影响 2019-09-16回答 评论(0) 举报 (0) 0 个回答 按时间 按赞数 该问题暂时没有网友解答 编辑答案 分享扩...
是license 的问题.破解前需要把"this host"修改为你的PC名称,再运行license破解.
Symptom During license activation, Warning: No product feature is present in the license file is displayed. Possible Causes The license file of an earlier version contains the features that are no longer under license control of a later version. Procedure No action is required....
This feature is enabled only for local users and not for remote users. You need to configure the aaa authentication rejected command in global configuration mode to enable this feature. x.509v3 with SSH Authentication This feature uses the public key algorithm (PKI) for server and user ...
If it is during the installation process, please tell us the version of the SQL Server Express which you intended to install, please also locate the installation logs in the path %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\Setup Bootstrap\Log and share it to us. The "nnn" in the path ...