The Levellers rejected history and law as presented by their contemporaries, holding instead to an "anti-Normanism" viewpoint.[197] John Lilburne, for example, argued that Magna Carta contained only some of the freedoms that had supposedly existed under the Anglo-Saxons before being crushed ...
Big Chill Wikipedia n. A possible end point of the universe, at which the average temperature of the universe approaches absolute zero because the expansion of the universe initiated at the Big Bang has decelerated almost to stopping. Also calledBig Freeze. ...
Define Crustie. Crustie synonyms, Crustie pronunciation, Crustie translation, English dictionary definition of Crustie. adj. crust·i·er , crust·i·est 1. Having, resembling, or being a crust: a crusty piece of bread. 2. Outspoken and surly. Used espec
The Long Parliament of England was established on 3 November 1640 to pass financial bills, following the Bishops' Wars. It sat until 1648, when it was purged, by the New Model Army. General Monck forcibly reinstated its members in February 1660 so they c
I continued to host it annually; moved it to Conor Byrne and started having bonified folk punk legend (his picture is on the Wikipedia page for Folk Punk) and Chumbawamba co-founder Danbert Nobacon act as MC and between-band entertainment and The Bad Things would close out the night, doing...
His iPod is in an early 90s indie mood, the first five tracks areMega City Four, The Levellers, The Senseless Things, Pop Will Eat ItselfandOasis;as journeys go it’s a pretty good start and I am already designing an ImaginaryChumbawambaalbum in my head (Mouthful of Shit, Behave!, Fare...
Last night, The Levellers and Dodgy wowed the crowds who flocked to the sun-dreched festival. Godiva Festival: Police provide update on festival so far; The three-day event is well underway Beckham wore the kilt part of the dodgy outfit back to front. YOU'VE GOT YOUR KILT ON BECK TO ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. dig (dĭg) v. dug (dŭg), dig·ging, digs 1. To break up, turn over, or remove (earth or sand, for example), as with a shovel, spade, or snout, or with claws, paws or hands. 2. a. To ...
string band Wikipedia n 1.(Music, other) a band consisting of stringed instruments 2.(Classical Music) an informal name forstring orchestra Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 201...
Define Erastians. Erastians synonyms, Erastians pronunciation, Erastians translation, English dictionary definition of Erastians. n the theory that the state should have authority over the church in ecclesiastical matters Eˈrastian n , adj Collins Eng