文章类型 Types of articles acceptable to the journal 出版不同类型文章的期刊(如JAMA)通常对文章的内容及风格有一详细的标准,譬如:给编辑的信(Letters to the Editor)、短篇报道(short communications)、完整研究论文(full-length research papers)、评论文章(review articles)等。 这种期刊利用投稿须知告诉...
letter to the editor文章格式 尊敬的编辑, 我写信是想对最近发表的一篇文章进行评论/提出关注。我认为这个问题非常重要,并且希望在您的刊物上分享我的观点和看法。 首先,我想明确指出文章的标题和日期。这有助于读者了解我所评论的确切文章。 接下来,我会开始我的信件,引出我要讨论的主题。我将简要介绍自己的背景...
读者来信( Letter to the Editor,简称LTE)又称读者通信(Correspondence)或读者反馈(Reflections),是指期刊读者以信函的形式对近期在期刊上发表的内容作出简短而有侧重点的评论。虽然没有经过同行评审,LTE…
1. letter to the editor这种文体的论文的认可度怎么样?高校找工作、评职称时承认letter to the ...
“Letter to the Editor”是一种重要的学术通信形式,旨在向编辑传达关于某一特定主题的观点、建议或是对已发表内容的反馈。以
letter to the editor 翻译:给编辑的信。 希望对你有帮助!
1【题文】Letter to the Editor A heated debate is currently going on in our town. Should we allow the cinem a to be constructed in the Havenswood Shopping Center? There is just one large are a left to build on, and the theater would use up all of that space. Some people are excited...
aPlease consider to rewrite the manuscript under a Letter to the editor format, suppressing the abstract, providing a short introductory paragraph and shortening the current extension of your text to 500 words. Since only a single figure or table can be included in your text, please consider to...
Letter to the Editor.(EDITORIAL)(Letter to the editor)Mayoral, Flor