《历史的教训》The lessons of history-Will Durant and Ariel Durant 历史之所以可以一直重复,因为人类天性的改变就好像地质改变一样,是一个极其缓慢的过程。 《历史的教训》是威尔·杜兰特及其夫人阿里尔·杜兰特的代表作,堪称其11卷《世界文明史》的浓缩精华版。 首先从地理的角度出发阐明水是生物和城镇的生命之源。
The laws of biology are the fundamental lessons of history. We are subject to the processes and trails of evolution, to the struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest to survive. The first biological lesson of history is that life is competition... Co-operation is real, and inc...
by will durant the story of philosophy transition the pleasures of philosophy adventures in genius by will and ariel du,人人文库,
BY WILL DURANT <br/> The Story of Philosophy <br/> Transition <br/> The Pleasures of Philosophy <br/> Adventures in Genius <br/> BY WILL AND ARIEL DURANT <br/> THE STORY OF CIVILIZATION: <br/> 1. Our Oriental Heritage <br/> II. The Life
The role was not always dispatched with efficiency, so that a refined analysis would categorize the aftermath of crises not only by the presence or absence of a lender of last resort but also by how well the role was discharged. Second, the aftermath of a depression depends not just on ...
[图片]威尔.杜兰特,阿里尔.杜兰特合著的《历史的教训》,是他们长期以来读史、治史经验的积累与萃取,多数结论有启发意义和参考价值。篇幅不大,易于阅读。这本书读过五、六遍,每次阅读都有不同收获。现将“第十章 政府与历史”的读书...
South America. In the third and followingcenturies of our era various Celtic, Teutonic, or Asiatic tribes laid Italywaste and destroyed the classic cultures. The South creates the civilizations,the North conquers them, rui...
《历史的教训》The lessons of history-Will Durant and Ariel Durant 历史之所以可以一直重复,因为人类天性的改变就好像地质改变一样,是一个极其缓慢的过程。 《历史的教训》是威尔·杜兰特及其夫人阿里尔·杜兰特的代表作,堪称其11卷《世界文明史》的浓缩精华版。 首先从地理的角度出发阐明水是生物和城镇的生命之源。