"Hardly a week goes by when someone requests a song for a future session. A majority of the time they can recall a little of the lyrics and maybe some of the melody. They may not recall who recorded it or when it was a hit.Lyrics.netis one place where you can enter lyrics and rec...
lemo tree lemon black tea lemon fermented milk lemon fruit tea lemon grass oil lemon head lemon shark lemon shrimp lemon tree hotel shen lemon lemoncello gelato lemongeranium lemongra oil lemongrass cympobogon lemonpop lemons citrus limon c lemonsalt len lengthen len bias lend a ready ear to s...
the essential DNA flesh and bones of a big commercial success – like the chord structures of a song – have to hook the interested party in some way that makes it stand out. That’s why Poison will always be Poison, and Eternity will be Eternity for eternity. You...
plain•song (ˈpleɪnˌsɔŋ, -ˌsɒŋ) n. the ancient traditional unisonal music of the Christian Church, having its form set and its use prescribed by ecclesiastical tradition. [1505–15; translation of Medieval Latincantus plānus] ...
The Lemon Twigs–Everything Harmony Lewsberg (L)–Out and About The Whiffs–Scratch ‘n’ Sniff Hard Copy–12 Shots of Nature EEPEES Wombo (L)–Slab(EP) Gym Tonic–Sanitary Situations(EP) Cel Ray–Cellular Raymond(EP) Cel Ray–Piss Park(EP) ...
p extracurricular act p lemon grass - p rosemary - p useful pthere are still a fe pa fair face may hide pable paggression dont fuck pat ones service pauthority pback when we both sa pcatch ones eye pclothes make the man pcould you drop me of pcowards die many tim pdiseases come ...
stinker, lemon - an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory long johns - warm underwear with long legs main drag - the main street of a town or city put-put - a small gasoline engine (as on motor boat) rathole - a small dirty uncomfortable room rattrap -...
a dropdown to translate the word into another language; a word image; a Q&A box if you have a question about the word; a citation aid; and alternative search options which give you things like quotes and abbreviations on the main word. You can also search for song lyrics which have the...
I’ve been starting my mornings with tea temperature hot water, a teaspoon of local honey, a small slice of peeled ginger and big squeeze of fresh lime. I like lime more than lemon for this sweet, slightly tart and warming drink that helps to get you and everything else moving in the...
L: Lemmy licked lemon lollypops. M: Moaning Mindy might moan more this morning. N: Norman Newton nearly kneed Nora Nate’s napkins. O: Oswald Osborne observed optical illusions openly. P: Penelope Pitstop’s people partied pleasantly.