Por Thozhil, the critically acclaimed Tamil crime thriller, is finally coming to the Ott platform SonyLIV on August 11, 2023. The film, directed by debutant Vignesh Raja, stars R. Sarathkumar, Ashok Selvan and Nikhila Vimal in the lead roles. The film is inspired by Subramania Bharati’s...
The film was released in multiple languages, including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi. The entire country is enwrapped in the Pushpa 2 fire, and it only has premium screens but is living up to the hype. Its nationwide domination has impacted the footfalls of every other movie....
However, it had a lukewarm response on Ott as well.Thangalaan Ott VerdictIn the debut week of its Ott run, the Tamil action drama as per Netflix’s data from December 9 to December 15, garnered a viewership of 1.5 million. This is one of the least viewed South Indian films in its...
Starring Tamil actor Suriya alongside Bollywood stars Bobby Deol and Disha Patani, Kanguva depicts the struggles of a tribal warrior. Directed by Siva, the film faced initial criticism for excessive audio effects, leading to a re-edited version. Supporting actors KS Ravikumar, Yogi Babu, and Red...
2013. Isolation and characterization of microcystin-producing Microcystis aeruginosa MBDU 626 from a freshwater bloom sample in Tamil Nadu, South India. Microb. Res. Agroecosyst. Manag. 2013:235-248. Anastasi, A., Bertaccini, G., Cei, J.M., De Caro, G., Erspamer, V., and Impiccia...
(Velankanni, India Dec 29, 2011 - AsiaNews) An hour of prayer a day, until December 31, 2012, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the consecration of the Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Health in Vailankanni (Tamil Nadu). At the heart of the intentions are interreligious dialogue and ec...
December 29, 2022 When you need business cards in a hurry, choosing the first quick business card service you find can be tempting. But if you want your cards to look g... Finance CRYPTO PRESS RELEASE: This Is What Professionals Do ...
Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have been designed, implemented, and validated to help clinicians and practitioners for decision-making about diagnosing some diseases. Within the CDSSs, we can find Fuzzy inference systems. For the reasons above,
This study made a claim that perceived discrimination, socio-economic strain, and structural strain on displaced people have an adverse impact on their mental health. Our claim also acknowledges that these people potentially have a unique set of strength
After completing her higher studies from Trinity London Music College, she published ten volumes of books about Western Music theory in Tamil. The books got best publisher award from Ananda Vikatan 2011. Her first movie as a producer, To Let got her the National Award for Best Feature Film ...