In one of the darkest times in the Kingdom of Hyrule, a young, pointy-eared boy named Link takes on an epic quest to restore the fragmented Triforce of Wisdom and save the Princess Zelda from the clutches of the evil, power-hungry Ganon. The Legend of Zelda marks the first title of ...
商标名称 THE LEGEND OF ZELDA 国际分类 第16类-办公用品 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 46528356 申请日期 2020-05-21 申请人名称(中文) 任天堂株式会社;NINTENDOCO.,LTD. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 日本国京都府京都市南区上鸟羽鉾立町11番地1;11-1, HOKOTATE-CHO, KAMITOBA, MINAMI-...
The Legend of Zelda™: Echoes of Wisdom. Watch the trailer. The Legend of Zelda™: Echoes of Wisdom The people of Hyrule are being swallowed up by strange rifts, with Link and the King of Hyrule among the missing. Left alone, it’s up to Princess Zelda to save her kingdom. ...
六图网提供精美好看的设计元素素材模板下载,本次设计元素作品主题是The_Legend_of_Zelda_Twilight_Princess logo设计欣赏 The_Legend_of_Zelda_Twilight_Princess工作室标志下载标志设计欣赏,编号是3394783,格式是ai,该The_Legend_of_Zelda_Twilight_Princess logo设计
《塞尔达传说》(日语:ゼルダの伝説,英语:The Legend of Zelda,香港和台湾译作“萨尔达传说”),原版题注“海拉尔幻想”(The Hyrule Fantasy),是由宫本茂和手冢卓志设计,任天堂开发并于1986年首发的电子游戏。游戏设定于虚幻世界海拉尔,玩家操作主人公男孩林克,收集8块智慧三角力量碎片,从反派盖侬手中救出塞尔达公主。
Of the 143998 characters on Anime Characters Database, 195 are from the franchise The Legend of Zelda (Series).
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The Legend of Zelda™: Echoes of Wisdom. Watch the trailer. The Legend of Zelda™: Echoes of Wisdom The people of Hyrule are being swallowed up by strange rifts, with Link and the King of Hyrule among the missing. Left alone, it’s up to Princess Zelda to save her kingdom. ...
除了塞尔达传说之外,还有很多的FC游戏已经有了高清纹理版,我会在之后的视频里慢慢的给大家更新的。 《塞尔达传说》FC高清版(The Legend of Zelda) 提取码:3pkh 用电脑的WinRAR解压,密码:充满游戏君