Based on real events, real people and real situations, The Legend of Tianding is an exploration of a place and time often overlooked and presented in the style of Traditional Chinese Manga. ◆ KUNG FU FIGHTING ◆ Battle the colonial authorities in style with a tanto, waist sash, and fast ...
Experience the event before the dramatic saga of The Legend of Tianding in this official prequel comic! Witness the training! Experience the failures! Who will win in man versus bear? There’s only one way to find out! Art by Denim Story by Maso 系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统: An...
Based on real events, real people and real situations, The Legend of Tianding is an exploration of a place and time often overlooked and presented in the style of Traditional Chinese Manga. Battle the colonial authorities in style with a tanto, waist sash, and fast paced Kung Fu in tightly...
《The Legend of Tianding》 可用成就 26 项成就 可获取经验值 1000 经验值 成就 (26) 排序方式 按字母顺序 下水道导游 大稻埕下水道 探索率达 100% 20 经验值 16% 的玩家已解锁 义安尊王 解锁所有奖杯 110 经验值 5% 的玩家已解锁 以恶制恶
ps4中文_549_侦探 代达洛斯:黄金爵士乐的觉醒.Alternate Jake Hunter DAEDALUS The Awakening of Golde 337 0 35:40 App ps4中文_1078_说谎公主与盲眼王子.The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince 234 0 41:59 App ps4中文_241_群马乱斗.Them’s Fightin’ Herds 231 0 08:17 App ps4中文_1146_空之...
通過描述你喜歡什麼來幫助其他用戶 The Legend of Tianding 寫評論 常見問題集 檢視 新增 -91% US$99.99 US$8.99 Sid Meier's Civilization® VII 檢視 新增 -12% US$69.99 US$61.59 Sniper Elite: Resistance 檢視 新增 只有不到 1% 的訂單被標記為需要手動授權。這一過程最多可能需要一個工作日,但訂單...
The Legend of Tianding Bewertungen globaler Spieler 4.57Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.57 von 5 Sternen aus 131 Bewertungen 131 Bewertungen 79 % 11 % 2 % 3 % 5 % Schlüpfe in die Rolle von Liao Tianding (alias Liāu Thiam-Ting), selbsternannter Beschützer der Bürger der Stadt Taipeh, de...
feed the poor, and fight for justice in the streets of early 20th century Taipei as Taiwan’s legendary outlaw. Based on real events, real people and real situations, The Legend of Tianding is an exploration of a place and time often overlooked and presented in the style of Traditional Chi...
About The Legend of Tianding –The Taiwanese Robin Hood! Play as Liao Tianding (AKA. Liāu Thiam-Ting), a vigilante of Taipei city and wanted by the Colonial Japanese authorities. Rob the rich, feed the poor, and fight for justice in the streets of early 20th century Taipei as Taiwan’...
The Legend of Tianding: The Legend of Tianding is a side-scrolling action game about Liao Tianding, the legendary Taiwanese Folk Hero. Explore the dazzling streets of Colonial Japanese Taiwan in the early 20th century.