The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is about the memorable event of an apparently headless horseman throwing his head at his rival in love, and the memorable character of Ichabod Crane with his mixture of shrewdness, credulity, self-assertiveness and cowardice. ②The creation of archetypes is a ...
The_Legend_of_Sleepy_Hollow剖析 “TheLegendofSleepyHollow” WrittenwhilehewasinEngland,thestorywasbasedonaGermanfolktale,setintheDutchcultureofPost-RevolutionaryWarinNewYorkstate.HemeanttogivetheU.S.someofthesamefeelingoftraditionthatoldernationshad. Itdemonstratesthe2qualitiesforwhichIrvingisfamous:...
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow|沉睡谷传奇 华盛顿·欧文的著名故事《沉睡谷传奇》和其标志性的无头骑士,融合了真实的历史和令人不安的民间传说。 这个经典的美国哥特故事讲述了一位迷信的学校老师伊卡博德·克雷...
AppreciationofTheLegendoftheSleepyHollow《睡谷的传说》赏析 内容 背景简要介绍鉴赏 文学声誉 背景 •睡谷的传说发生在荷兰的文化革命战争时期。它是基于德国的民间故事,由卡尔Musaus原始记录。背景 浪漫主义的特点 •道德的热情•相信个人主义和直觉的感知价值•假定自然世界是一个善良的,男人是社会腐败的根源 ...
TheLegendofSleepyHollow : •小说中的故事发生在约1790年的美国纽约州东南部 一个荷兰人聚居的村庄塔里敦(TarryTown),在 一座名为“沉睡谷”(SleepyHollow)偏僻的狭 谷中,来自康涅狄格州的傲慢男教员伊奇博德·克瑞 恩(IchabodCrane),他同村里的另一个青年 Abraham“BromBones”VanBrunt争夺18岁女孩 卡翠娜·凡·...
这个山谷因此得名“睡谷”,并且这里的农夫被邻村的人叫作“睡谷人”。一个沉睡的、梦魇般的东西似乎无处不在,无时不有。有人说一个医生曾在荷兰人统治时在那里耍过魔术,其他人断言,有一个印第安老酋长精通魔术,曾在得里克.哈得逊船长发现之前控制着这个地区…… 不管怎么说,这个地方始终总有一种魔力占据着...
At my first sight,The Legend of Sleepy Hollowseemed like an innocent tale about a superstitiousNew Englandtown threatened by astrange new comer, Ichabod Crane. However, Washington Irving is never the man writing according to the common sense.“Once upon a time”is the predictable beginning of ...
The protagonist is Ichabod Crane. He was tall, but exceedingly lank, with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, hands that dangled a mile out of his sleeves, feet that might have served for shovels, and his whole frame most loosely hung together. His head was small, and flat...