While the presentation is crafted beautifully from 1930 cartoon art - things like Betty Boop shorts and Disney's Silly Symphonies - this takes gameplay cues from sources like Mega Man, Contra, Metal Slug, and Gunstar Heroes. The levels aren’t huge but it’s the challenge, not the size ...
06-24 2021 Epic Games Store leaks The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, Trails to Azure, Trails into Reverie, and The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails for the west 06-24 2021 History of casinos 06-24 2021 Why Are There So Many Ancient Egypt Themed Games? 06-21 2021 The Return...
and Professor Layton and the Last Specter is the best of all. In gameplay and puzzle quality, certainly, but also in story – since it takes us back to when Layton first met Luke and began an all-new trilogy of adventures for our favorite British pair. ...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy collects the first three games in the series, while The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles bundles together two prequels set in the Victorian era starring an ancestor of Phoenix Wright who teams up with the great detective 'Herlock Sholmes'. Read more: Why I lo...
We've been told that the next Witcher games will be what we've come to expect: "a story-driven open-world RPG built on the legacy of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", which hopefully makes the Lambert and Keira school rumors ring true. The next game will kick off a new Witcher trilogy, ...
The 2018 reboot of the God of War franchise elevated the franchise beyond the gory thrills of the original Greek mythology trilogy (and its numerous prequels) and breathed new life into the series. Kratos is no longer a living ball of rage, and is now a family man, trying to balance his...
Ellie isn’t just one of the most complex heroes ever; she’s arguably the greatest character in PlayStation history. With a remastered re-release that brought the PS3 to PS4, Joel and Ellie's adventure also got a next-gen upgrade with the launch of The Last of Us Part 1. Plus, ...
Shepard is joined by a squad of varied companions with backgrounds in military, medicine, and engineering that are willing to lend a hand in battle and weigh in on crucial decisions. Considering the first game released in the early 2000s, the optimal way to experience the initial trilogy is ...
This has led to some of the greatest single-player games of the past decade, including the final entry in the rebooted trilogy,Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Much like Ellie in TLOU2, Shadow’s narrative casts Lara Croft in a grimmer light as she’s forced to operate within ethically ambiguou...
Whether you're stepping into the iconic shoes of one of the best video game heroes or building your own from scratch, solo gaming allows for heightened role playing experiences, tailor-made power fantasies, and some of the best narrative writing in the industry. If you're on the hunt for ...