看到有一堆摄像机围着,和1900那种忘我的 流汗的 完全沉浸其中的纯粹的感觉真的天差地别。音乐真的能勾起人的回忆,这很神奇,最后好友是找出了当时因为那个女孩创作的作品,来找1900。音乐一起,我的脑海里也浮现出了女孩在圆形的窗边,1900眼神追随着她,然后创作出的音乐。情绪和感受在音乐中流淌,音乐中充满了生命力...
这张电影《海上钢琴师》的原声专辑糅合了古典音乐与早期爵士乐。主题曲《1900的主题》(1900's Theme)为整张专辑定下了伤感抒情的基调。《钢琴家的传说》(The Legend Of The Pianist)、《爱之曲》(Playing Love)、《寂静的再见》(Silent Goodbye)以及由罗杰.沃特斯(Roger Waters)所演唱的《迷失男孩的呼唤》(Lost...
深沉,但是这部片子出乎意料的轻盈,整体感受是剧情比较简单,重点在1900这个角色身上的一些topic,感觉这部电影偏向哲理,但这个哲理它的叙述方式就很美,通过1900这个很美、纯粹的灵魂表达出的道理我感觉我并没有全然看懂,但看了之后感觉像被洗涤了一般【剧情】丹尼是一virginian 号的锅铲工,在头等舱捡东西时捡到了留着"...
The movie was directed byGiuseppe Tornatore, whose “Cinema Paradiso” was much beloved in 1988. Like a lot of European directors, he despairs of ever finding large U.S. audiences with subtitles, and shot this movie in English. (Europeans do not object to dubbing.) “The Legend of 1900”...
Review of "The legend of 1900" The story is told as a series of flashbacks.It started by a man's voice,and ended by he and 1900's dialog.The man--Max Tooney,1900's best friend.He is the witness of 1900's legend. Long long ago,about 1900,there is a ship called Virginian.One ...
海上钢琴师The Legend Of 1900 review by efilmcritic 关键字:英语电影影评 During the beginning of "The Legend of 1900," I kept think how much it played like an old fable, and it was none to my surprise that when I looked at the press kit that it clearly states: "A FABLE BY GIUSEPPE...
In order to be credited for your review and save all your ratings, pleasecreate a free accountandlog in.Premium membershipis also available for just $12 a year, which removes all adverts, prioritises your submissions, and more. More for The Legend of 1900 ...
我的世界也因此发生着变化……以前在家看《the legend of 1900》,想了好多关于音乐,人生的问题(其实很肤浅),那时就知道,音乐是由灵魂的,好的音乐有一种极强的带入感。也许是因为喜欢看电影,所以有时候一个人安静的听歌,总会幻想着要是我是一个导演,为了这首歌,我会拍出一个什么样的画面,一个什么样的故事...
The Legend of 1900 面对城市无边无际的尽头,我第一次感到了惶恐。我想给自己一个尽头,却发现是那么的难。不过还好,我还有生命的舞台可以退出!或许,他出生的地方就意味着结束。正如影片的名字一样Danny Boodman T.D.Lemon Nineteen Hundred就是一个不折不扣的传奇。从始至终,他就没有下过船,也因此,他没有...