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John Vellante, Globe Staff
NC. Unlike many of the other protestors who were arrested for lying down in front of the dump trucks delivering the loads of hazardous waste, Chavis was hurled in jail by
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Benefiel, R. (2010). Rome in Pompeii: Wall inscriptions and GIS. In Feraudi-Gruénais, F. (ed.),Latin on Stone: Epigraphic Research and Electronic Archives, Lexington Books, Lanham, pp. 45–76. Google Scholar Benjamin, R. F. (2013).Journal of Cuneiform Studies, the early years.Journa...
(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a medieval annotator, esp of classical texts [C16: from Late Greekskholiastēs,fromskholiazeinto write a scholium] ˌscholiˈasticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 200...
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The Lexington Condominium Residences by the Park The Livmore The Logan Residences The Madison Condo The Manderley Condos The Mark Condos The Markdale The Markdale Towns The Mason at Brightwater The Massey Tower The Maze The Mercer The Merton The Mill Landing Condos The Millhouse , Phase 1 The ...
The Lexington Condominium Residences by the Park The Livmore The Logan Residences The Madison Condo The Manderley Condos The Mark Condos The Markdale The Markdale Towns The Mason at Brightwater The Massey Tower The Maze The Mercer The Merton The Mill Landing Condos The Millhou...