Wikipedia deutsche mark (doich′ märk′) n.Abbr.DM The primary unit of currency in Germany before the adoption of the euro. [German :deutsche, feminine singular ofdeutsch,German(from Middle High Germandiutsch, from Old High Germandiutisc,of the people; seeteutā-inIndo-European roots) +Ma...
1.(Biography) known asHenry the Saint.973–1024, king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (1014–24): canonized in 1145 2.(Biography) 1133–89, first Plantagenet king of England (1154–89): extended his Anglo-French domains and instituted judicial and financial reforms. His attempts to contro...
Zweig wrote Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1934, not long after Hitler came to power in Germany, but when he and others could already sense that the world he knew and loved, The World of Yesterday as he titled his memoir, was entering a “terrible moment of mass intoxication.” Erasmus’ life ...
Once the Colour Party, Ensign and Regimental Sergeant-Major have joined the Escort, the RSM repositions himself to the left of and behind of the Escort. The Subaltern then orders the Escort to change arms and commands the slow march. Spinwheel of the massed bands As the Escort to the ...
Mutual information for a Wikipedia source (left), the Complete Works of Shakespeare (middle), and The Wall Street Journal (right).Takahashi, ShuntaroTanakaIshii, Kumiko
France has its declared enemies Germany and all the states that it embraces; Spain with all its dependencies in Europe, Asia, Africa and America; the Duke of Savoy [in Italy], England, Scotland, Ireland, and all their colonies in the East and West Indies; and Holland with all its possess...
On my way home this afternoon, just as I left the hospital, I saw a wretched little dog perishing of cold and hunger. Its bones were sticking out in the most ghastly way and as for its eyes — the anguish in them cannot be described! Right next to where the little thing lay was ...
Meanwhile, Germany, at first largely dependent on translations of foreign encyclopaedias, had produced the scholarly “Hübner” (1704), as it was known from the name of the author of the preface in this first of theKonversationslexikontype. The form appealed to the rapidly growing middle class...
And while it's clear Snow White was set in Germany, it's not particularly clear where Sleeping Beauty is set other than Middle Ages Europe overall. Heck, that Maleficent movie, a horrid piece of trash, but nevertheless... even indicated the film was set in SCOTLAND of all places. Kind ...
The circular indentations (bottom left, upper right) in (Fig.1 ) are explained by NASA’s analysts as the marks left by Mossbauer Spectrometer as it punches the soil to analyze it. But that instrument (see Fig. 2) lies in the roverbetweenthe two rows of wheels; yet the bottom left ...