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地板上树叶的倾斜移位照片(tilt shift photo of leaves on the floor) 资源编号 :41523788 格式:jpg 文件体积 :751k 分辨率 :2896 x 1944 爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的地板上树叶的倾斜移位照片(tilt shift photo of leaves on the floor), 本站编号41523788, 该高清图库...
High copra weight per nut, thin husk; bunches with short peduncles, fruits often trapped between the petioles of the leaves, and with very robust and thick stem; resistance to leaf spot diseases ; sensitive to mites Oligonychus velascoi Rimando Philippines Borneo Tall Fruits are large and roun...
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serrated leaves, differential cotyledons phenotype when grown in sucrose 4% [[31, 32]; JV Cabello, AL Arce, and RL Chan, unpublished results]. Is the HD-Zip domain sufficient for the function of HD-Zip I TFs? The proteins encoded by the above mentioned genes (i.e., ATHB12, 13, 23...
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