故有“信心的跳越”(The leap of faith)之名言。5、 他称神为“完全的另一位”(Wholly Other),人存在的价值在乎与神发生关系。 blog.sina.com.cn|基于6个网页 2. 信心飞跃 www.77721.org ... 7. 科学之限 The Limitations of Science 8.信心飞跃The Leap of Faith... ...
“take the leap of faith”意味着在面对不确定性或恐惧时,勇敢地迈出信任或信仰的一步。这是一种积极、正面的行为,鼓励人们跨越心理障碍,去追寻自己的梦想或目标。以下是对这一概念的详细阐述: 一、概念解析 “take the leap of faith”不仅描述了一种行为上的跳跃,更强调...
Mesh Solaris、Amun Raah - The Leap Of Faith (feat. Amun Raah) (T.W.R? Mix) 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 The Leap Of Faith (feat. Amun Raah) Mesh Solaris、Amun Raah 07:12Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多
Benediction、Thabo Tonick - The Leap Of Faith
The Leap of FaithAdams, Robert MerrihewThe Leap of Faith', in The Virtue of Faith and Other Essays (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987).
I'll take the leap G I'll take the leap of faith C E Am Am x2 F C Standing on the water's edge E Am Dreaming of a better place, F E Looking to Yourself, and ease the pain. F C Standing on the world's edge E Am
The Leap of Faith(2022) Short|12 min|Short Edit pageAdd to list Track Vera (Faith) dreams of the sky, and wants to win the favor of her parachute jumping instructor Ilya. She decides to jump with a parachute, but is paralyzed with fear while on the plane. ...
Kierkegaard,“TheLeapofFaithandtheLimitsofReason”•Late19thC.Danishphilosopher•Christianexistentialist•ArguesthatitisnotpossibletoprovetheexistenceofGodthroughreason,sinceitisdifficulttoprovetheexistenceofanything.ParadoxofReason WecannotprovetheexistenceofGod,northatGoddoesnotexist,yetweareconstantlymovedtoattempt...
the leap of faith, 我说啥意思?他说我也不知道怎么翻译,他用google 翻译出来是叫什么信仰的飞跃,什么鬼!我后来百度了一下,原来是放手一搏的意思!又学到了一个新短语,和新加坡同事一起工作的每一天,都是互相学习的过程[呲牙]我是@小E在外企 ,每天分享工作生活的点点滴滴,欢迎大家点赞关注评论。
Than you give,In the circle of life 在生命的轮回里 It's the wheel of fortune,It's the leap of faith 这是财富之轮,这是信仰的飞跃 It's the band of hope,Till we find our place 这是希望的价值,直到找到自己 On the path unwinding,In the circle,一条只有一个方向的,轮回...