Discover The Lean Startup methodology, a proven approach to building and scaling innovative businesses. Learn how to validate ideas, minimize risk, and achieve sustainable growth through data-driven strategies and continuous learning.
《精益创业》(The Lean Startup)是由埃里克·里斯提出的一种以科学方法论为基础的创业框架,旨在通过快速验证假设、降低风险并构
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“Startup success can be engineered by following the process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.”- Eric Ries The Lean Startup provides a scientific approach to creating and managing startups and get a desired product to customers' hands faster. The Lean Startup...
The Lean Startup的创作者 ··· 埃里克·莱斯 作者简介 ··· ERIC RIES is an entrepreneur and author of the popular blog Startup Lessons Learned. He co-founded and served as CTO of IMVU, his third startup, and has had plenty of startup failures along the way. He is a frequent ...
1000字讲完硅谷创业“圣经”《精益创业》(The Lean Startup)传统的创业模式往往像是一场豪赌,创业者在初始阶段投入大量时间、金钱和精力,精心规划产品,组建团队,制定详尽的商业计划,期望一击即中市场需求。然而,现实却常常残酷,很多初创企业在耗费巨资推出产品后,才发现市场并不买账,最终以失败告终。《精益...
The Lean Startup is a new approach being adopted across the globe, changing the way companies are built and new products are launched. Eric Ries defines a startup as an organization dedicated to creating something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty. This is just as true for one ...
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精益创业 英文原版 The Lean Startup 新创企业的成长思维 全英文版管理书籍 正版进口英语书 创业管理领域的重磅之作 精益思维 作者:EricRies出版社:Currency出版时间:2021年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥73.00 配送至 广东广州市 至北京市东城区...
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