... 枝是空中的根。 Roots are the branches down in the earth.花崇拜时便成了果实。The leaf becomes flower when it loves. ... www.17coolz.com|基于31个网页 3. 绿叶在恋爱时便成了花朵 泰戈尔:... ... said the night to the sun, 黑夜对太阳说道,The leaf becomes flower when it loves,...
The leaf becomes flower when it loves. The flower becomes fruit when it worships.叶子灿烂开花 因为恋爱了 /花朵丰满结果 因为崇拜了 Silence will carry your voice like the nest that holds the sleeping birds.静寂盛了你的声音 /鸟巢盛了睡着的鸟 When we rejoice in our fulness, then w...
The leaf becomes flower when it loves. The flower becomes fruit when it worships. 134 埋在地下的树根使树枝产生果实,却不要什么报酬。 The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful. 135 阴雨的黄昏,风无休止地吹着。 我看着摇曳的树枝,想念万物的伟大。 This rainy ev...
The leaf becomes flower when it loves.The flower becomes fruit when it worships.——(印度)泰戈尔《飞鸟集》泰戈尔 飞鸟 鸟 《飞鸟集》 《飞鸟集》是印度诗人泰戈尔创作的诗集,它包括325首清丽的无标题小诗,首次出版于1916年。这些诗的基本题材多为极其常见事物,不外乎小草、落叶、飞鸟、星辰、河流等等。
The leaf becomes flower when it loves. The flower becomes fruit when it worships. 绿叶爱慕时便开出了花。 花儿倾慕时便结出了果。 134 The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful. 地上的枝杈结满果实,地下的根不计功过。
Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him. 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。 浮华的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向它道谢的。 133 The leaf becomes flower when it loves. ...
The leaf becomes flower when it loves.The flower becomes fruit when it worships.——R. Tagore我们所谓的百香果,其实是西番莲属的另外一种植物鸡蛋果(Passiflora edulia),也叫紫果西番莲。因为它的果实完全成熟后是深紫色皱皱的模样,柠檬般大小,虽然没有黄色的百香果大,但无论是味道还是香气都更加浓郁。
The leaf becomes flower when it loves. The flower becomes fruit when it worships. 绿叶恋爱时便成了花。 花崇拜时便成了果实。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 还没有人评论,赶快抢个沙发相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 娱小圈 01月23日 22:58 #丁程鑫会考账号被盗# 所以不光丁程鑫会考...
The leaf becomes flower when it loves. The flower becomes fruit when it worships.绿叶爱心浓,托出万点红。芳花致敬意,硕果满收丰。8 Woman, with the grace of your fingers you touched my things and order came out like music.佳人擢素手,轻触我拥有。物物变条理,如吟乐一首。9 Love! When ...
The leaf becomes flower when it loves 摄影后期:kelly 造型:陈慧婚纱:Risa Beira 点赞是美德,打赏是鼓励 打赏 还没有人打赏,快来当第一个打赏的人吧 人像 _del_美女48832 _del_佳能81016 2 暂无评论 同步到新浪微博 匿名评论 关于我们 已经有超过两千万的摄影爱好者入驻了图虫 在这里,发现基于共同...