symplr is the leader in enterprise healthcare operations software and services. For more than 30 years and with deployments in 9 of 10 U.S. hospitals, symplr has been committed to improving healthcare operations through its cloud-based solutions, driving
symplr is the leader in enterprise healthcare operations software and services. We are committed to improving operations for providers and payers.
IKS Health delivers revenue cycle management, clinical support, and value based care solutions to create transformative value in healthcare.
The Global Health and Safety Initiative (GHSI) recognizes healthcare organizations worldwide that are willing to make sustainable facility. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Energy Star program aims to conserve energy.VernonWalter N....
Healthcare industry is today the biggest and most challenging component of a service industry, is the... CEO of the Month Larry Gerrans– A Pioneer in Healthcare and an Avid Leader Exceptional leaders are driven by the vision to succeed. They inspire and lead by example. They aim at......
The FiscalHealth Group are the ROI Leaders in Healthcare. Developing financial sales tools for healthcare teams is our primary focus.
Healthcare knowledge thought leaders leverage social media to drive policy decisions, build a professional network, engage with patients directly, and roll out campaigns on topics. If, in daily life, KOLs influence our choice and brands could use them as a part of marketing strategy to lead or...
Rachel is a nurse who has accepted the position as the director of the intensive care unit in a large urban hospital. Her leadership qualities were developed in her master's level education and 20 years of experience in clinical and supervisory nursing. Healthcare leaders face many challenges to...
TheCareWorld - Discover the latest in healthcare innovation with HealthLeaders Magazine, a leading resource among healthcare technology magazines.
As the #1 in employer direct healthcare, Premise Health provides the best benefits with the broadest range of products and services. Learn more here.