Amex Fine Hotels & Resorts/Virtuoso 这类预定算合格预定,可以积累 Leaders Club 积分。 从FHR/Virtuoso 等渠道的预定,福利不和 Leaders Club 会员福利叠加。从哪儿订的就享受哪儿的福利。考虑到这类 preferred program 基本都有类似 $100 property credit 这样的额外福利,而升房、早饭等也是这类项目的标准福...
【2023.10】这两天 Citi ThankYou Points 新增了一个转点伙伴 Leaders Club of LHW,不少朋友应该对立鼎世这个集团不太熟悉,今天我们就介绍一下这个酒店集团和其会员计划。 1. 立鼎世 (LHW) 酒店集团 1.1. 集团简介 The Leading Hotels of the World 立鼎世集团(简称LHW)是一家总部位于纽约的酒店组织,初始...
Enjoy your stay and discover all we have to offer at Ritz Paris in Paris, France from The Leading Hotels of the World.
Explore the exclusive privileges and rewards of membership in Leaders Club, the guest loyalty program from The Leading Hotels of the World.
"We are excited to introduce our Sustainability Leaders Collection to celebrate our member hotels who have gone above and beyond to protect their piece of the planet,” said Lauren Alba, Vice President Global Marketing and Communications, The Leading Hotels of the World. “The pioneering collection...
爱企查企业服务平台为您提供详细的LHW LEADERS CLUB THE LEADING HOTELS OF THE WORLD 立鼎世尊享贵宾会商标分析报告,了解该商标注册成功率,商标注册类别风险分析,商标风险评估分析等,帮助用户规避商标注册风险和商标侵权风险,为企业做好品牌保护.
When booking, LHW’s complimentary guest loyalty program, Leaders Club, elevates the hotel experience even further, with exclusive upgrades and members-only savings at more than 400 hotels. Ahead, find nine of LHW’s 2024 #1 World’s Best Awards winners and learn why they...
- Plusgrade colabora con The Leading Hotels of the World (LHW) para mejorar las experiencias de fidelización de los miembros de Leaders Club Gracias a Points, una empresa de Plusgrade, los socios de Leaders Club tienen ahora mayor flexibilidad para ganar y canjear puntos con ventaj...
前几天提到了Small Luxury Hotels的一个活动,性质类似的一个组织:立鼎世(Leading Hotels of the World,简称LHW)也有一个免费入会的推广,今天也说一下。 立鼎世是一家全球精品酒店联盟,一共囊括了300多家酒店,其中英国有13家,中国有4家。伦敦比较有名的酒店包括The Ritz,The Langham和Baglioni等。
“We are pleased to collaborate with INTELITY, a leader in the hospitality technology space,” said Phil Koserowski, Vice President, Digital Product Development and Marketing, The Leading Hotels of the World. “The relationship provides our more than 400 hotel members with preferred access to INTE...